The discussed samples work in IE5+ and therefore are only of use in experimental pages in the WWW (like games) or in intranets with a standardized browser. This isn't a tutorial but rather my collected code for reference purposes if you already know basic DOM/ DHTML.
Sample pages have self-contained styles and code. View them in IE5 or right-click-save them directly to disk.
Change class
Change the class of an element:
elm = bodyNode; // object pointer
elm.className = "myClass";
In the CSS we assigned a style to that class:
.myClass { color: red }
Create page element
Assign an empty "div"-element to object "bodyNode":
elm = document.createElement ( "DIV" ); bodyNode.appendChild ( elm );
Show source
Here's the source HTML from inside the "bodyNode":
alert ( bodyNode.innerHTML );
"innerHTML" (note the upper-case HTML) is a non-standardized way of altering HTML content, already available in IE4.