BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 06-08-92 (21:42) Number: 163 From: PHILIP NELSON Refer#: NONE To: ALL Recvd: NO Subj: Object Oriented Methods Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
Well, this message won't be for the faint of heart... However, if you've been getting bored with programming, simply because there's no challenge left, or if you just hate to get into complex applications because of the time and details needed to write those programs, then maybe Object oriented Programming techniques will change things a bit. Yes, Object Oriented Programming techniques can be done in good old QuickBasic, without the need for any additional libraries. All you need, is to create a few modules with include files, then compile them as libraries and presto, OOPs for QB. Now, I've had some arguements with a few so-called OOPs programmers, who claim to have used SmallTalk, and currently program in C++, where they state that there is no way to write OOPs in Quickbasic, that you MUST have an OOP language. Well... This certainly shows that no matter how much you prove things, some people are simply brainwashed into thinking one way and can't open their eyes if their lives depended on it. In any case, in order to have an Object BASED system, you need to create sub procedures/functions which include their own Data, and will only work on their own local data. This is the first step towards creating OOPs using QuickBasic. In order to create local variables, which won't disappear once the procedure terminates, all you need is a single statement called: STATIC The second requirement for OOPs, is to pass instructions to the object, which will cause it to do something. In QuickBasic, the easiest way to accomplish this is by passing STRING instructions to the procedure or function. Another requirement for OOPs, Although this point can be debated in some dark arena on another planet, is Inheritance. Now, this term may confuse many people out there, but the concept is rather simple AND, can be done in QuickBasic quite easilly. What is inheritance? Well, according to standard OOP definitions, Inheritance, is a mechanism, in which objects inherit code from a parent object (Known as a CLASS type object). In QuickBasic, a CLASS would be a master Sub procedure/function, which is called by objects which share the same code as the master procedure. The Object (An Instance of it's Class), merely contains two things. 1- The STATIC statement, which creates it's local variable 2- A Call to it's master procedure, called the CLASS from now on. What is Object Oriented Programming Good for? A great deal of things. Code re-usability is one good reason... Create one library, and use it over and over again. Another reason... You can always BUILD on top of an existing library, without having to dig up it's source code, add new code to it, then re-compile as a library. The next reason, is that you can make the library available to anyone as a shareware library, and if they register the library, you give them the additional instructions which is understood by the library. --- GEcho 1.00/beta * Origin: Brian's BBS [514-769-5023] Montreal : (1:167/149)
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