BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 06-06-92 (16:08) Number: 108 From: MATT PRITCHARD @ 930/21 Refer#: NONE To: ERIC KJELLMAN Recvd: NO Subj: Running out of variable s Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
EK>Hi there all. EK> I'm looking for a way to increase the number of variables I EK>can use in a programs... I keep running out of variable space... (I use EK>an incredible amount of variables... ya know?) I know about the EK>CLEAR statement, but is there anything else? Cause otherwise EK>I'm stuck at around 20000 single precision variables... (which EK>isn't enough for the program I'm writing, unfortunately... I EK>need about 50000) EK>see ya around. What in the world needs about 50000 variables? Designing a world class racing ship hull? Seriously, I assume you are putting most things in arrays. In this case, you need to make your arrays take up "far heap". Look up "$DYNAMIC" metacommand and REDIM in your docs. What it does is tell the compiler that all arrays that follow will be allocated from the far heap. Simple variable and arrays are normally allocated from DGROUP which is a special segement that is only 64K in size. Each single percision element take up 4 bytes. That means only 16384 of them can fit in a segment at absolute most. To make an array that holds more than 16K of the them, you need to investigae the "/AH" switch which allows arrays larger than 64K. Another limitation, is that an array subscript has a maximum limit of 32K. I.e. REDIM DataVals!(30000) will make an array of 30000 elements, while REDIM DataVals!(40000) wont work beacuse of the 32K limit. Now, you can get around it using a 2 dimensional Array.. i.e. REDIM DataVals! (40, 1000), creates a single percision array with 40 rows of 1000 columns each i.e. 40000 elements. You can also use TYPEs (Structures) to help you out. Hope this gives you some ideas on where to get started. -Matt Pritchard === * SLMR 2.1a * Backup not found: (A)bort (R)etry (P)anic --- InterPCB 1.50 # Origin: CENTRAL BBS -Texas' BEST BBS! 214-393-7090 HST 3+GIGs (8:930/21) * Origin: Gateway System to/from RBBS-NET (RBBS-PC 1:10/8)
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