BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 06-06-92 (06:06) Number: 199 From: PHIL HODGES Refer#: NONE To: IAN REMMLER Recvd: NO Subj: graphics and animation Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
IR>I am fairly new to programming in QB. Can anyone post any IR>sample code having to do with graphics or animation so IR>that I can learn how to do this. I find it easier to play IR>with code and figure them out than to read the manual. Any IR>help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance... IR> -=Ian=- Hello, Ian. I love QB for being such an easy language to program graphics in, and so do it all the time. But without knowing what kind of graphics you're talking do you have EGA (can you use SCREEN 9), or VGA? I only use SCREEN 9, which is the highest possible screen for EGA. Here's a commented example of how I might go about doing something: (note: this will only work on SCREEN 9, and only with EGA or VGA adapter with 256K) ___----------------------8< Cut here>8------------------------------- DIM Sprite%(1700) 'dimension room for the sprite RANDOMIZE TIMER Ap% = 1: Vp% = 0 'Set active and view pages SCREEN 9, , Ap%, Vp% 'Draw on page 1 while viewing 0 CLS Ap% 'Clear active page Fill$ = CHR$(203) + CHR$(140) + CHR$(1) 'String for PAINT fill CIRCLE (300, 140), 35, 4 ' draw simple PAINT (300, 140), Fill$, 4 ' graphics (for example's sake) PALETTE 4, 36 'change red to orange (just for this example) PCOPY Ap%, Vp% 'copy the circle to the view page GET (255, 110)-(345, 170), Sprite% 'Get sprite off active page CLS 1 'Clear active page DO Px% = INT((500 - 20 + 1) * RND + 20) 'randomnly select x-axis Py% = INT((280 - 10 + 1) * RND + 20) 'randomnly select y-axis PUT (Px%, Py%), Sprite% 'put sprite in random location PCOPY Ap%, Vp% 'then copy it to view page CLS 0 'clear view page IF INKEY$ <> "" THEN EXIT DO LOOP END --------------------------8< and here >8------------------------------- This results in fairly smooth animation (though my example is pretty bad...) with no flickering. Hope I could be of help. * SLMR 2.1a * Life's for my own to live my own way... --- Maximus 2.00 * Origin: The Gamorian Vortex Project (1:105/601)
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