Re:ansi And A Status Bar?

 BBS: Inland Empire Archive
Date: 06-05-92 (12:16)             Number: 172
From: RICH GELDREICH               Refer#: NONE
  To: JASON GORMLEY                 Recvd: NO  
Subj: Re:ansi And A Status Bar?      Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
>   Well all heres a question for you. Similar to sandy winters problem.
>  When writing a door routine, how do you do this;
>       Send Ansi to the screen (open "CONS") and still handle a Status
> bar
>    at the bottom of the screen. I thought View Print would work, but
> when
>    you write it a file (screen as CONS) it overrides the View Print
> statement.
>       I know that I could count the lines and clear the screen to
> start at the top agian, but That wouldn't give me the desirable
> results. I would like to
> see the screen scroll at the 24th line and leave the 25th alone.
>               Is it Possable? If so How?
>         -Jay-
    I have two solutions for you.

    The first one is to check out my ANSI emulator I just posted on this
echo. It's in 7 messages(you'll have to hunt the echo for the last one-
I posted it a day late...) It allows you to print to any window on the
screen... and it doesn't need ansi.sys to work.

    I discovered the second solution yesterday. There is a BIOS variable
floating around that controls the number of lines on the screen.

POKE &H84, lines

Where lines is the number of lines you want, minus one(My DOSREF says it
only works on EGA and above).

Just make sure you set this variable back to what it was before you end
your program!

    Rich Geldreich

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