BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 06-05-92 (22:36) Number: 166 From: ROBERT CHURCH Refer#: NONE To: MIKE KELLY Recvd: NO Subj: Fonts Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
In a message of <May 06 08:31>, Scott Wunsch (1:140/23) writes: > Could anybody post some code to change the screen font on an >EGA/VGA? > -= Scott \\'unsch =- >Try this, which is a somewhat simplified version of what I use for my >Russian/English programs: <Code delete for abbreviational purposes <G>> Some time ago, you posted some code for using fonts in EGA/VGA. What is the format that the font files take? Is is the same one as used by common font editors? Thanks for the code and for the help. -Rob SUB LoadFont (DisplayType$, font$) SELECT CASE DisplayType$ CASE "EGA" CharBytes% = &HE00 CASE "VGA", "MCGA" CharBytes% = &H1100 ' BH = Number of bytes/character ' BL = Block to load in map 2 END SELECT DIM reg AS regtypeX ' Standard DIM font1% = FREEFILE ' No duplicate problems! OPEN font$ FOR BINARY AS #font1% ' Open font file for easy access total% = LOF(1) ' Total file size t$ = STRING$(total%, 0) ' Define as string for the font GET #1, , t$ ' Get the font CLOSE #font1% ' Close the file = &H1100 ' AH = &H11 ' AL = 0 - load user font = &HFF ' Number of chars to load (256) reg.bx = CharBytes% reg.dx = &H0 ' DX = Offset into map 2 block (0) = VARSEG(t$) ' Pointer to user table reg.bp = SADD(t$) ' Pointer to user table InterruptX &H10, reg, reg ' CALL Interrupt 10 = &H1103 ' AH = &H11 ' AL = 3- Set block specifier reg.bx = 0 ' BL = Block to load InterruptX &H10, reg, reg ' CALL Interrupt 10 t$ = "" ' Free up some memory END SUB SUB ReSetFont (DisplayType$) SELECT CASE DisplayType$ CASE "EGA" ROMfont% = 1 ' 8x14 ROM font CASE "VGA", "MCGA" ROMfont% = 4 ' 8x16 ROM font END SELECT DIM reg AS regtypeX ' Standard DIM = &H1100 + ROMfont% ' AH = &H11, AL = ROM font to load reg.bx = &H0 ' BL = Block to load InterruptX &H10, reg, reg ' CALL Interrupt 10 END SUB --- PPoint 1.30 * Origin: I'd rather be like Clyde! (1:105/319.27)
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