BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 06-04-92 (20:53) Number: 150 From: MATT HART Refer#: NONE To: RICH GELDREICH Recvd: NO Subj: Wierd things afoot Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
I've got a graphics question for you: I've tested some code that will change from blinking attributes to highlight backgrounds. But a strange thing happens - I can POKE into video memory, but nothing is displayed until the program ends. Everything stays switch though. Subsequent writes will immediately show up. Here it is: DEFINT A-Z CLS Attr = 4*16+14 ' Yellow on red HighAttr = Attr + 128 ' Set blink/highlight bit DEF SEG = &HB800 POKE 0,65 : POKE 1,HighAttr WHILE INKEY$="":WEND ' A blinking yellow on red "A" X = INP(&H3DA) ' Reset flip/flop OUT &H3C0,&H10 ' Index Mode Control register OUT &H3C0,8 ' Bit 3 Blink/Intensity set DEF SEG 'Now the screen is blank WHILE INKEY$="":WEND The program ends, drops to DOS, and Presto - I have a yellow on bright red "A", and subsequent writes and such continue with intensity rather than blinks. Any thoughts on the blank screen? --- * Origin: Midnight Micro! V.32/REL (918)451-3306 (1:170/600)
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