BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 05-29-92 (08:34) Number: 125 From: BILL BEASLEY Refer#: NONE To: SCOTT LEVENTHAL Recvd: NO Subj: Screen Fade In Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
Scott, You had to pick SCREEN 9.... Sheesh. Since you can only have 64 colors assigned to 16 attributes in this mode, it is hard to do a true fade into a particular color. You can do a pseudo-fade as follows: 'pseudo fade for screen 9 DEFINT A-Z SCREEN 9 COLOR 4, 0 CLS LOCATE 11, 39: PRINT "LOVE" PALETTE 1, 0 CIRCLE (289, 60), 30, 1, 0, 3.75 CIRCLE (349, 60), 30, 1, 5.75, 3.25 LINE (265, 73)-(320, 130), 1 LINE (374, 72)-(320, 130), 1 PAINT (320,72), 1, 1 SLEEP 2 FOR i = 1 TO 20 READ Colour PALETTE 1, Colour 'insert your favorite delay loop here FOR delay = 1 TO 1000: NEXT delay NEXT i DATA 56,56,56,24,24,24,40,40,40,8,8,8,33,49,17,1,57,25,9,41 COLOR 1, 0 LOCATE 24, 1: PRINT "pseudofade done"; END --- Maximus 2.00 * Origin: The Crescent Software Support BBS (1:141/777)
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