BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 05-30-92 (21:45) Number: 154 From: STEVE GARTRELL Refer#: 151 To: MATT HART Recvd: NO Subj: COMMON statement Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
* In a message originally to Steve Craver, Matt Hart said: MH-> SC> Why can't I get this to pass the variables to another module? It MH-> SC> works fine with the SUBS, but! MH-> >> TYPE colorset MH-> >> COMMON SHARED clr AS colorset MH-> SC> What must the other modules contain? The full TYPE? Thanks! MH->In order to preserve CLR across .EXE files and MH->SUB/FUNCTIONs, then all .BAS programs must include both the MH->TYPE definition AND the COMMON SHARED statement. NOTE also . In other words, the best possible solution is to put the TYPE and COMMON statements into a $INCLUDE file and them include it where applicable in each module...This also makes for less pain when you realize that, dammit, you are going to need one more TYPE variable to pass around. Anecdote: While writing a stock tracking program, (like everything I do, it's not my "job" so it's never going to be done...) I repeatedly found that there was just one more INTEGER or LONG or whatever that had to be included. This meant, for a while, I constantly had to re-enter all of the data into the new record format. Being aware that TYPE lengths used in HUGE arrays needed to be powers of two, I usually had "extra" variables floating around taking up the room to the next power of two. One day I finally woke up and realized that there is a hard and fast rule about TYPE variables used in arrays. Simply put, ALWAYS put the "filler" variable at the end of the TYPE definition. Since the data is stored sequentially both in memory and when written to disk, this means that you can "steal" bytes for new variables from the "filler" variable without re-entering the earlier data...Such as: TYPE StkInfo StkOpen AS SINGLE StkCls AS SINGLE Volume AS LONG NumShares AS LONG TipSrc AS STRING * 32 VolPerChg AS SINGLE PrcPerChg AS SINGLE JulianDat AS LONG StkName AS STRING * 25 '85 bytes at this point Filler AS STRING * 43 '+43 = 128 bytes = 2 ^ 7 END TYPE Now, if I decide I want to include BrkrComm AS SINGLE to account for the wack the stock brokers going to take from earnings, I would put it immediately after StkName, but _before_ Filler. Since a SINGLE variable is 4 bytes, that means the new TYPE would decrease Filler by 4 bytes, i.e. Filler AS STRING * 39...And I didn't screw up all of that other data... For a minute there my brain said "That's too easy!", but really that's all there is to it. Due to the wonders of sequential memory storage, the earlier 128 byte TYPE is identical in memory storage requirement to the new TYPE. The only thing that changes is how QB/PDS accesses it; the TYPE definition is simply a map that QB/PDS uses to locate data within the TYPE...|-} (Of course, if you have initialized Filler to some string value at some point, why I wouldn't know, then your new BrkrComm variable is going to have unpredictable values...Otherwise, a fixed- length string is basically all zeroes. And, before you try to confirm this, it would behoove you to back up your data file.) --- DB B1067/071082 * Origin: RadioLink! Columbus, OH (614)766-2162 HST/DS (1:226/140)
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