BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 05-30-92 (12:30) Number: 133 From: JEFF FREEMAN Refer#: NONE To: ALL Recvd: NO Subj: Jdibas 1/5 Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
This message was from JEFF FREEMAN to ALL, originally in conference (V) V-TREK and was forwarded to you by JEFF FREEMAN. ------------------------- Well... I have my TWIT filter working and the echoes are a much happier place to be. I have completely rewritten my door routines and set 'em up to compile with QBSer21. Qb Serial also comes with QBX object files, so you can write doors using my routines, QBSerial and your choice of either QuickBASIC 4.x or BASIC 7.x (PDS). The really neat thing about these routines is that they make sense. JPRINT instead of PRINT, JINPUT instead of INPUT, JLOCATE, JCOLOR, etc. I've speeded them up CONSIDERABLE just by eliminating redundant code. With QBSerial they will support up to 115,200 bps and COM1-4. QBSerial also supports non-standard Ports and IRQ's. It's *REALLY* sharp. Okay, so the next zillion posts are gonna be my routines. Catch 'em now... these are too large to keep posting every month or so. '$INCLUDE: 'QBSERIAL.DEC' DEFINT A-Z DECLARE SUB JCenter (T$, CRLF) DECLARE SUB ViewFile (F$, MorePrompts) DECLARE SUB JLines (L) DECLARE SUB JCls () DECLARE FUNCTION JInKey$ () DECLARE FUNCTION JRND (Lo, Hi) DECLARE FUNCTION JTrim$ (T$) DECLARE SUB JBeep () DECLARE FUNCTION MORE$ () DECLARE SUB HitAKey () DECLARE SUB JInPut (P$, In$, W) DECLARE SUB BackSpace (N) DECLARE FUNCTION NCase$ (Name$) DECLARE SUB JLocate (R, C) DECLARE SUB OpenDorinfo (DF$) DECLARE SUB CloseDoor () DECLARE FUNCTION JEXIST (F$) DECLARE SUB JColor (FC, Bc) DECLARE SUB JOpen (F$, Mode$, FileNum, RecLen) DECLARE SUB OpenCom (ComPort, Baud&) DECLARE SUB JPrint (T$, CRLF) TYPE JDIType BBSName AS STRING * 25 'name of BBS running door SysopName AS STRING * 25 'name of sysop PlrName AS STRING * 25 'name of current player Sysop AS INTEGER 'True if player is the sysop Ansi AS INTEGER 'False if player doesn't have ANSI SecLevel AS INTEGER 'player's security level on the BBS AllCaps AS INTEGER 'force input from user into all caps MoreFc AS INTEGER 'foreground color of more prompt MoreBc AS INTEGER 'background color of more prompt MoreMsg AS STRING * 30 'the more prompt Pauses AS INTEGER 'False = No more prompts HitKeyFc AS INTEGER 'foreground color of hit-a-key prompt HITKeyBc AS INTEGER 'background color of hit-a-key prompt HitKeyMsg AS STRING * 30 'the hit-a-key prompt EchoMode AS INTEGER '0=normal, -1 = echo off, 1 = echo EchoChar EchoChar AS STRING * 1 'The character to echo LineCount AS INTEGER 'current line TimeOut AS INTEGER 'soon to be users time left from BBS FC AS INTEGER 'current foreground color Bc AS INTEGER 'current background color FileExists AS INTEGER 'True/False used by JEXIST EFNum AS INTEGER 'file number used by JEXIST IsLocal AS INTEGER 'True if local-mode else False LFNum AS INTEGER 'scrn (local) file number TU AS INTEGER 'time-up variable END TYPE CONST Black = 0, Red = 1, Green = 2, Yellow = 3, Blue = 4 CONST Cyan = 6, White = 7, bold = 8, Blink = 16, Magenta = 5 CONST False = 0, True = NOT False COMMON SHARED JDI AS JDIType LOCATE , , 1 'ON ERROR GOTO ErrorInDoor JDI.MoreFc = White + bold JDI.HitKeyFc = Yellow + bold JDI.MoreMsg = "[MORE?]" JDI.Pauses = True 'set this to True if you want pauses JDI.HitKeyMsg = "*-- Hit a key to continue --*" JDI.EchoChar = "*" '************************Your door goes below this line**************** OpenDorinfo (COMMAND$) JCls JColor Red, Black JPrint "This should be displayed both local and remote!", True JColor Red, Black JInPut "", K$, -4 JLines 5 HitAKey JCls JLines 3 JPrint "Very Nice!", True JLines 5 JColor White, Black ViewFile "JDI20", True '***********************Your door goes above this line***************** ErrorInDoor: CloseDoor FileNotFound: JDI.FileExists = False RESUME NEXT SUB BackSpace (N) BSpace$ = CHR$(8) + CHR$(32) + CHR$(8) FOR X = 1 TO N BS$ = BS$ + BSpace$ NEXT X JPrint BS$, False END SUB SUB CloseDoor IF NOT JDI.IsLocal THEN CloseComm CLOSE SYSTEM END SUB SUB HitAKey FC = JDI.FC Bc = JDI.Bc JColor (JDI.HitKeyFc), (JDI.HITKeyBc) JInPut JDI.HitKeyMsg, K$, 0 K$ = UCASE$(JInKey$) JColor FC, Bc BackSpace LEN(RTRIM$(JDI.HitKeyMsg)) + 1 END SUB SUB JBeep JPrint CHR$(7), False END SUB >>> Continued to next message --- * Origin: Camelot BBS - Dallas, TX - (214) 339-8283 (1:124/1011)
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