BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 05-28-92 (11:27) Number: 185 From: MARK BUTLER Refer#: NONE To: PHIL HODGES Recvd: NO Subj: Event trapping Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
On 05-25-92 Phil Hodges wrote to Zack Jones... PH> Here's how I do CTRL-BRK, just in case anyone's interested... PH> PH> DIM OldBrk%(4) PH> DEF SEG = 0 PH> FOR B = &H6C TO &H6F PH> OldBrk%(I-&H6C) = PEEK (B) ^ what is the value of "I"? PH> NEXT PH> POKE &H6C, &H53 PH> POKE &H6D, &HFF PH> POKE &H6E, &H0 PH> POKE &H6F, &HF0 PH> DEF SEG PH> ' to restore PH> DEF SEG = 0 PH> FOR B = &H6C TO &H6F PH> POKE B, OldBrk%(I-&H6C) ^ I assume the value of "I" is the same here to? PH> NEXT B I didn't see the rest of this thread but I took interest in the above code ...but... couldn't get it to work, at least not in the environment it doesn't. Especially without knowing what "I" equals. Anyway... I don't have any other routine for disabling ctrl-brk so what's the fix for the above code? (ya really got my interest now) Like I say, I didn't see the rest of the thread so I don't know if you are looking for some other approach but a ctrl-alt-del trap is not hard using KEY trapping. Try this demo out... -----------------------8< CUT HERE 8<-------------------------------- KEY 16, CHR$(12) + CHR$(83) '***** trap for ctrl-alt-del keys ON KEY(16) GOSUB NoReboot KEY(16) ON CLS '*** a little crap-code program LOCATE 2, 24 '*** to demo our NoReboot trap PRINT "This simulates a running program" LOCATE 3, 15 PRINT "Press CTRL-ALT-DEL to test the trap or ESC to quit" LOCATE 5, 35 row% = CSRLIN col% = POS(0) count% = 0 DO WHILE INKEY$ <> CHR$(27) LOCATE row%, col% PRINT count% count% = count% + 1 LOOP LOCATE row%, col% - 5 PRINT "T-T-That's all folks!" END NoReboot: '*** on ctrl-alt-del we jump here BEEP '*** then return LOCATE 12, 13 PRINT "No way, ya can't break out of this program THAT easy!" SLEEP 2 LOCATE 12, 1 PRINT SPACE$(80); RETURN -----------------------8< CUT HERE 8<-------------------------------- Hope this helps ya out... -------------> MHB :-) ... OFFLINE 1.36 * Vote --> "Deport all of the above" in `92 --- DB B1069/001271 * Origin: * Bare Bones BBS * (1:105/360)
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