BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 05-27-92 (01:46) Number: 133 From: RICH GELDREICH Refer#: NONE To: ALL Recvd: NO Subj: Modified Shell Sort Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
A couple of months ago, I gave a friend of mine, Dave Cooper, some QB source code for a simple shell sort. He made an assembly version of it, and to make a short story shorter, he wasn't satisfied with the speed... Well, since Dave is one of the high speed graphics freaks, he just had to make it faster. Well- he did. Here it is. The question is, what is this sort called? It's not a shell sort any more, that's for sure. Does this sort actually exist? I've never seen it before... -----------Rip Here----------- 'Fast modified shell sort implemented by Rich Geldreich. 'Sort algorithm by Dave Cooper. 'May, 1992 'For QB4.5 DEFINT A-Z CONST True = -1, False = NOT True DIM A(1000), Pointers(1000) FOR A = 0 TO 1000 A(A) = RND * 500 Pointers(A) = A NEXT A! = TIMER Low = 0 High = 1000 Mid = (Low + High) \ 2 DO FOR A = Low TO High - Mid IF A(Pointers(A)) > A(Pointers(A + Mid)) THEN SWAP Pointers(A), Pointers(A + Mid) CompareLow=A - Mid CompareHigh=A DO WHILE CompareLow>=Low IF A(Pointers(CompareLow))>A(Pointers(CompareHigh)) THEN SWAP Pointers(CompareLow),Pointers(CompareHigh) CompareHigh = CompareLow CompareLow = CompareLow-Mid ELSE EXIT DO END IF LOOP END IF NEXT Mid = Mid \ 2 LOOP WHILE Mid > 0 B! = TIMER CLS FOR A = 0 TO 1000 PRINT A(Pointers(A)); NEXT PRINT : PRINT "sort time ÷"; B! - A!; "seconds" This sort is very fast, and easy to implement. Run it compiled... I could of made this implementation faster by eliminating all of those pointers, but I think it's better that way... Rich Geldreich --- RBBSMAIL 17.2A * Origin: Computer Co-Op RBBS HST, 609-784-9404 Voorhees NJ (RBBS-PC 1:266/29)
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