BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 05-25-92 (05:25) Number: 73 From: PHIL HODGES Refer#: NONE To: ZACK JONES Recvd: NO Subj: Event trapping Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
ZJ> > MK> JS> I am trying to write some code that traps the ctrl_alt_del > > MK> JS> sequence so when someone enters it, the computer doesn't > > MK> > > MK> What you are asking is not TRAPPABLE as per what > > MK> you are hoping to d > > MK> it would need to be DISABLED instead. The ctrl-alt-del sequence is ZJ> > I'll betcha everyone in the echo will jump on you for that.. >Especially since Code was posted showing how to do it! I know I sure would! Disabling CTRL-BRK is a breeze, but the ominous CTRL-ALT-DEL .... Here's how I do CTRL-BRK, just in case anyone's interested... DIM OldBrk%(4) DEF SEG = 0 FOR B = &H6C TO &H6F OldBrk%(I-&H6C) = PEEK (B) NEXT POKE &H6C, &H53 POKE &H6D, &HFF POKE &H6E, &H0 POKE &H6F, &HF0 DEF SEG ' to restore DEF SEG = 0 FOR B = &H6C TO &H6F POKE B, OldBrk%(I-&H6C) NEXT B ___ X SLMR 2.1a X I have a decaffeinated coffee table...can't even tell... --- Maximus 2.00 * Origin: The Gamorian Vortex Project (1:105/601)
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