BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 05-22-92 (13:11) Number: 176 From: TIM FITZGERALD Refer#: NONE To: JIM TANNER Recvd: NO Subj: Deleting records in 1/ Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
JT>I have a program that creates individual records in a JT>Random file. I would like to be able to go in and delete JT>some of the records and then have the record numbers JT>updated/revised so there is no skip (in the numbers) where JT>the deleted records were. I'm sure you will probably get a response, and code, that surpasses mine.. but here's something I adapted from a routine that I use. ___------------------------------------------------------------- DECLARE SUB PreInit () DECLARE SUB DelRecord (Choice%) DECLARE SUB CursKey (Row%, SRow%, ERow%, Col%, Sel%) ' Setup the Record structure with a TYPE .. END TYPE function. ' Works better than FIELD, I think. TYPE Record Client AS STRING * 15 Phone AS STRING * 12 END TYPE DIM SHARED Rec AS Record ' Create some variables to hold the values of our record. ' Better than constantly reading them from disk, and faster. ' The (1 TO 10) will decide how many records you will allow ' in memory. DIM SHARED MemRecClient(1 TO 10) AS STRING DIM SHARED MemRecPhone(1 TO 10) AS STRING DIM SHARED RecordCount% PreInit ' This routine is just used to create a new file ' you can remove it after the first run. RecordCount% = 10 Start: CLS PRINT " Name", "Phone Number" PRINT " ----", "------------" PRINT FOR count% = 1 TO RecordCount% LOCATE 3 + count%, 4 PRINT MemRecClient(count%), MemRecPhone(count%) NEXT count% LOCATE RecordCount% + 5, 4: PRINT "Press ESC to Quit DEMO" CursKey 4, 4, RecordCount% + 3, 1, Sel% DelRecord (Sel%) GOTO Start SUB CursKey (Row%, SRow%, ERow%, Col%, Sel%) Place: LOCATE Row%, Col% PRINT "=>" a$ = "" WHILE a$ = "" a$ = INKEY$ IF a$ = CHR$(0) + CHR$(80) THEN IF Row% < ERow% THEN LOCATE Row%, Col%: PRINT " " Row% = Row% + 1 END IF END IF IF a$ = CHR$(0) + CHR$(72) THEN IF Row% > SRow% THEN LOCATE Row%, Col%: PRINT " " Row% = Row% - 1 END IF END IF IF a$ = CHR$(13) THEN GOTO Done IF a$ = CHR$(27) THEN KILL "TEMP.DAT" :END WEND GOTO Place Done: Sel% = Row% END SUB SUB DelRecord (Choice%) FOR DRecord% = Choice% TO RecordCount% IF DRecord% = RecordCount% THEN EXIT FOR SWAP MemRecClient(DRecord%), MemRecClient(DRecord% + 1) SWAP MemRecPhone(DRecord%), MemRecPhone(DRecord% + 1) NEXT DRecord% KILL "temp.dat" OPEN "temp.dat" FOR RANDOM AS #1 LEN = 27 FOR count% = 1 TO RecordCount% - 1 LET Rec.Client = MemRecClient(count%) LET Rec.Client = MemRecPhone(count%) PUT #1, count%, Rec NEXT count% CLOSE #1 RecordCount% = RecordCount% - 1 END SUB SUB PreInit FOR count% = 1 TO 10 MemRecClient(count%) = "Guy " + STR$(count%) MemRecPhone(count%) = "111-222-" + STR$(count%) NEXT count% OPEN "temp.dat" FOR RANDOM AS #1 LEN = 27 FOR count% = 1 TO 10 LET Rec.Client = MemRecClient(count%) LET Rec.Phone = MemRecPhone(count%) PUT #1, count%, Rec NEXT count% CLOSE #1 END SUB ___------------------------------------------------------------- You may want to ignore the CursKey routine, I just through that together. I think the main thing is the usage of SWAP.. BTW, the LISTBOX.BAS routine, by Matt Hart, would work great in place of my CursKey throwup. All you would have to do is adjust the "MemRecClient" and the "MemRecPhone" limits. >>> Continued to next message ___ X OLX 2.1 TD X Press "+" to see another tagline. --- Maximus 2.01wb * Origin: The Chatter Box ** Baker, La. (1:3800/18)
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