BBS door development libr

 BBS: Inland Empire Archive
Date: 06-30-92 (16:09)             Number: 1797
From: ERIC FORD                    Refer#: NONE
  To: BRIAN BOURNE                  Recvd: NO  
Subj: BBS door development libr      Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
 On 06-25-92 BRIAN BOURNE wrote to ALL...

 BB> I tried some other one that was PCBoard specific.  Basically here is
 BB> what I
 BB> need:
 BB> A "INKEY" routine for the com port
 BB> a "PRINT" routine for the com port

Well, I found this.  It didn't have a copyright notice, so have fun with it.
Let me know what you come up with.  I'd like to see it.

790 A$ = "Welcome to beta site X": GOSUB 1010
800 A$ = "Enter your name:": GOSUB 2001: STOP
810 REM add your program here

1000 REM ***** modem output routine *****
1010 FOR A = 1 TO LEN(A$)
1011 IF (INP(1021) AND 1) THEN D$ = CHR$(INP(1016))
1030 B$ = MID$(A$, A, 1): PRINT B$;
1040 IF INP((1021) AND 32) = 0 THEN 1040
1050 GOSUB 8730: OUT 1016, ASC(B$): NEXT: RETURN

2000 REM ***** modem input routine *****
2001 WHILE (INP(1021) AND 1) = 0: WEND
2002 GOSUB 8730: C$ = CHR$(INP(1016))
2003 IF C$ = CHR$(8) AND LEN(A$) THEN A$ = LEFT$(A$, LEN(A$) - 1)
 PRINT CHR$(29); CHR$(32); CHR$(29);
 C$ = CHR$(8) + CHR$(32) + CHR$(8): GOSUB 8760
2004 PRINT C$; : GOSUB 8760: IF Y$ = CHR$(13) THEN RETURN
2005 A$ = A$ + C$: GOTO 2001

3000 REM ***** check carrier *****
8730 IF INP(1022) < 128 THEN END ELSE RETURN

8735 REM ***** send a modem command *****
8740 A$ = A$ + CHR$(13): FOR A = 1 TO LEN(A$)
 IF (INP(1021) AND 1) THEN DUMY = INP(1016)
8745 GOSUB 8770: OUT 1016, ASC(MID$(A$, A, 1)): NEXT: RETURN

8750 REM ***** send a character to the modem *****
8760 GOSUB 8770: GOSUB 8730: OUT 1016, ASC(C$): RETURN
8770 IF (INP(1021) AND 32) = 0 THEN 8770 ELSE RETURN

Like I say, I'd like to see your end product.

... OFFLINE 1.36 * Just another day playing on this multi-
million MIPS machine.

--- WM v2.02/91-0128
 * Origin: Electronic Dreams BBS - Jackson, MS - 601/372-6998 (1:3632/1)
Outer Court
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