Re: c vs basic (was:

 BBS: Inland Empire Archive
Date: 05-19-92 (13:09)             Number: 177
From: JIM WELLS @ 930/21           Refer#: NONE
  To: DICK DENNISON                 Recvd: NO  
Subj: Re: c vs basic (was:           Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
DD>DD>DP>                 char *strcpy(char *a, char *b){
DD>DD>DP>                         while(*a++ = *b++);
DD>DD>DP>                         return (a);
DD>DD>DP>                 }


  I can see that you folks need to know...

    The Top Ten Reasons Top Use C

   9.It's easy to spell

   8. Manager's can't read C code.

   7. You can make neat pictures with your code.

                     {                  /*
                You                          can
               make                           neat
              pictures                         with
              your         *           *       code */
              int                              a,b,c,
              i;                               a=1;
              b=2;                             /***
              xxx                              xx*/
              printf     ("%d\n%d\n",a,b)      ;
               for(i=0         ;i<10;        i++)
                {a=b;                        b=c;
                  ;;;                      ;;;

   6. asm {
      LINK    A6, #0xfffffff8 ;Now even assembler programmers
      MOVE.W  #0x1, -2(A6)    ;can prgm in a high level language
      MOVE.W  #0x2, -4(A6)
      MOVE.W  -4(A6), -(A7)
      MOVE.W  -2(A6), -(A7)
      PEA     _strings.L
      JSR     _printf.L
      ADDQ.L  #8, A7
      MOVE.W  #0x1, -8(A6)
      BRA.B   0x5c
      MOVE.W  -2(A6), D0
      ADD.W   -4(A6), D0
      MOVE.W  D0, -6(A6)
      MOVE.W  -4(A6), -2(A6)
      MOVE.W  -6(A6), -4(A6)
      MOVE.W  -6(A6), -(A7)
      PEA     0x72.L
      JSR     _printf.L
      ADDQ.L  #0x6, A7
      ADDQ.W  #0x1, -8(A6)
      CMPI.W  #0xa, -8(A6)
      BLT.B   0x2e
      UNLK    A6
      .data _strings:
      DC.W    2564 0a2c 2564 0a00 2564 0a00

   5. "I can write any program in 1 line!"

   4. You thought FORTRAN's implicit do loops were cool:
         char *p1, *p2;
         char a1[10], a2="Hello";
               . . .
         p1 = a1; p2=a2;
         while (**p1++=*p2++);
               . . .

   3. C is useful if your performance is based on the number of

   2. It's portable.  Uh, how many bytes are there in an int?

   1. The definitive reference manual (K&R) is almost short
      enough for a programmer to actually read.

   0. Code is hard to write, it _should_ be hard to read.
 * SLMR 2.1 * C is Quickbasic without the makeup.

--- InterPCB 1.50
 # Origin: CENTRAL BBS -Texas' BEST BBS! 214-393-7090 HST  3+GIGs (8:930/21)
 * Origin: Gateway System to/from RBBS-NET (RBBS-PC 1:10/8)
Outer Court
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