Re: Question Of The Day!

 BBS: Inland Empire Archive
Date: 05-20-92 (10:21)             Number: 135
From: JEAN CREPEAU                 Refer#: NONE
  To: MIKE KRUPPENBACHER            Recvd: NO  
Subj: Re: Question Of The Day!       Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
MK=> Umm.. I cut this  up some.... But I have  a question.. why do it  this
    way instead of


MK=> and then open and read wouldn't that be an easier way to  get
    a directory  AND a  way to  ignore the  QB.LIB which  seems to conflict
    somehow with modem routines?

        Because SHELL  "DIR" requires  much more  memory (you  need to load
COMMAND.COM in memory). Because it creates a file (which is not  necessarly
desirable), because it's much slower (to load COMMAND.COM, to create a file
and to do  a DIR) and  because you don't  have access to  all the files you

        With FindFirst and  FindNext, you only  need the INTERRUPT[X]  sub-
routine to be linked with your object file. DOS' DIR use these two function
also... But  using them  in your  program directly  let you  access special
files (if you want to) like VOLUME label, system and hidden files and  sub-
directory.  Modifying  the  FindFirst  subroutine  a little lets you ignore
these files or include them if you want (for example, you can chose to  dir
only the normal  files (without getting  the subdirectories)). DIR  doesn't
offer you that flexibility.

        I know, writing SHELL  "DIR >" is much  easier to do, but  it's not
very professionnal.

        By the way, QB.LIB should not comflict with your modem subroutines.
Unless you want to  use QB.QLB (which is  not the same...). If  you want to
use QB.QLB  and another  quicklibrary, then  you can't...  you have to make
only one library like this:


        This will link QB.LIB and MODEM.LIB to create MODEM.QLB which  will
contain  all  the  subroutines  you  need  to  do  your  modem  things  and

 * Origin: INTERACESS Montreal (QC) Canada (514) 528-1415 (1:167/280)
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