BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 05-13-92 (14:48) Number: 94 From: JEAN CREPEAU Refer#: NONE To: EDDIE ROWE Recvd: NO Subj: Better Way? Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
In a message to ALL, EDDIE ROWE wrote: ER=> I'm trying to write a routine that will take a string from another program which converts everything to ALL CAPS back to a form that is more pleasing to the eye. This relys on the string having two components (in my case a FirstName LastName). Anyone have a pointer or two to share to clean this up so it can take however many different parts its needs and maybe a bit simpler? Here is a subroutine that will convert your string into lower case you name. The function will convert all the characters of the string into lower case except the first character of the string and the ones following a space. FUNCTION ToLower$(x$) u$=lcase$(x$) p=0 DO mid$(u$,p+1,1)=ucase$(mid$(u$,p+1,1)) p=instr(p+1,u$," ") LOOP UNTIL p=0 ToLower$=u$ ENd FUNCTION If you want the best way to do it, you can use assembly. If you are interested, just drop me a line, I'll post the precedure you need. Jean --- * Origin: INTERACESS Montreal (QC) Canada (514) 528-1415 (1:167/280)
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