BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 05-09-92 (01:16) Number: 193 From: TOM HAMMOND Refer#: NONE To: LYN BORCHERT Recvd: NO Subj: HASHING 8/9 Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
Continued from Hashing 7/9 LoadIt: 'load the data from a data file Free% = 0 Empty% = Empty% + 1 FOR I% = 0 TO ArraySize% IF a$(I%, 0) = "" THEN Free% = Free% + 1 Empty% = Empty% + 1 ELSEIF a$(I%, 0) = DeletedValue$ THEN Free% = Free% + 1 END IF NEXT I% IF Empty% = 0 THEN GOSUB SorryFull ELSE INPUT "File To Load From:"; FileName$ ON ERROR GOTO ErrorHandler Found = True OPEN FileName$ FOR INPUT AS 1 IF Found = True THEN DO WHILE NOT EOF(1) AND Free% > 0 INPUT #1, TestName$, PhoneNumber$ CALL GetData(TestName$, Index%, Seeks%, SaveIndex%) IF SeekCount% >= RetryLimit% THEN PRINT "The data base is full and/or needs to be resized" YesOrNo$ = "" DO WHILE YesOrNo$ <> "Y" AND YesOrNo$ <> "N" INPUT "Do you want to see a data base dump (Y/N)"; YesOrNo$ IF YesOrNo$ <> "" THEN YesOrNo$ = WhackIt$(YesOrNo$) END IF IF YesOrNo$ = "Y" THEN GOSUB DumpIt ELSEIF YesOrNo$ <> "N" THEN PRINT "Please Enter A Y for Yes or a N for NO." END IF LOOP Free% = 0 'force a shutdown CALL Waiter ELSEIF a$(Index%, 0) = TestName$ THEN ' the value is already on file ' we'll just replace the old value for now, ' and keep on truckin - we could ask the user ' what we should do, but not for a test program! a$(Index%, 1) = PhoneNumber$ PRINT a$(Index%, 0); "has been updated!" ELSE IF SaveIndex% <> -1 THEN 'reuse deleted space Index% = SaveIndex% PRINT "We are reclaiming unused space! Ain't it great!" END IF a$(Index%, 0) = TestName$ a$(Index%, 1) = PhoneNumber$ Free% = Free% - 1 END IF IF Free% < 1 THEN PRINT "The data base has been completely filled." PRINT "Some data was not loaded from the file you selected." PRINT GOSUB SorryFull CALL Waiter END IF LOOP CLOSE 1 END IF ON ERROR GOTO 0 END IF RETURN SaveIt: 'Save data to a selected file ON ERROR GOTO ErrorHandler INPUT "Name of file to save data to:"; FileName$ OPEN FileName$ FOR OUTPUT AS 1 FOR I% = 0 TO ArraySize% IF a$(I%, 0) <> "" AND a$(I%, 0) <> DeletedValue THEN PRINT #1, a$(I%, 0); ","; a$(I%, 1) END IF NEXT I% CLOSE 1 RETURN SortIt: ' convert, sort, and dump the data base 'convert the hashed A$() into a packed SortSpace$() PRINT "Converting the data into a linear array...." NextEntry% = 0 FOR I% = 0 TO ArraySize% IF a$(I%, 0) <> "" AND a$(I%, 0) <> DeletedValue$ THEN SortSpace$(NextEntry%, 0) = a$(I%, 0) SortSpace$(NextEntry%, 1) = STR$(I%) 'track the location of the data, not the data.... NextEntry% = NextEntry% + 1 END IF NEXT I% Continues in next file (HASHING - 9 of 9) --- WM v2.00/91-0231 * Origin: The Modem Zone BBS (314) 893-5106 (1:289/2)
Books at Amazon:
Back to BASIC: The History, Corruption, and Future of the Language
Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution (including Tiny BASIC)
Go to: The Story of the Math Majors, Bridge Players, Engineers, Chess Wizards, Scientists and Iconoclasts who were the Hero Programmers of the Software Revolution
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