BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 04-26-92 (21:24) Number: 158 From: SCOTT WUNSCH Refer#: 61 To: DAVID BLISS Recvd: NO Subj: Serial Number Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
On 25 April 1992, David Bliss wrote to All... . . . DB> number xxxx" at all. You can use this nifty little program DB> to change serial numbers: DB> . . . DB> 'code is for QB4.0. Changes may be required for other BASICs DB> DECLARE FUNCTION unhex! (x$) Later versions won't need unhex! - just use VAL("&H" + HexNum$). Also, you should start your program with DEFINT A-Z, which defaults all variables to integers - much faster and more accurate. -= Scott \\'unsch =- ... OFFLINE 1.36 * 90% of the time I'm right, so why argue about the other 3%? --- Maximus 2.01wb * Origin: The Green Zone - Regina, Sask, Canada (1:140/23)
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