BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 04-24-92 (17:43) Number: 160 From: LOGAN ASHBY Refer#: NONE To: DICK DENNISON Recvd: NO Subj: True drive Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
In a msg of <21 Apr 92>, Logan Ashby writes to Dick Dennison: DD >> one floppy and it reported A: and B: as valid removable physical DD >> drives. DD >> I have a feeling that this is something we have to live with. LA > thought about it some more, you can get that info from the BIOS data LA > area, including which letter is currently being used for the floppy LA > drive. (helps to avoid the nice little 'Insert disk for Drive X:' LA > message DOS writes to the screen) I'm going to make some changes LA > that should speed it up and make it more reliable. I'll fix this LA > while I'm at it. Well, there I go shooting my mouth off again. The changes I intended to make involved reading the Current Directory Structures Array. Unfortunately, what I found was the CDS Array only contains entries for the number of drives in the LASTDRIVE entry in the CONFIG.SYS file, or 5, whichever is greater. This will miss Novell (and possibly other network software) drive mappings. So, the sub I posted last time was more reliable. I did come up with this little chunk of code for detecting 'phantom' floppy drives: DEF SEG = 0 NumFlops% = (PEEK(&H410) AND &HC0) \ &H40 IF (NumFlops%) THEN PRINT "You have"; NumFlops% + 1; "floppy drives" ELSE PRINT "You have 1 floppy drive." CurLtr$ = CHR$(PEEK(&H504) + 65) + ":" PRINT "Currently being accessed as drive "; CurLtr$ END IF DEF SEG The byte at &H410 is the low order byte of the equipment list integer, bits 6 & 7 of which indicate the number of floppies installed - 1. The byte at &H504 is the number of the current drive letter used to access the floppy in a single floppy system. (0 = A:, 1 = B:) I tested this with an AMI BIOS, and I would like to hear from anybody that finds one it doesn't work with. The last value isn't documented in my copy of the Interrupt List (INTER29), so I'm not 100% positive about it. --- GoldED 2.40 * Origin: Big Nerd's Nest (1:398/1.2)
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