BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 04-23-92 (08:05) Number: 113 From: MATT HART Refer#: NONE To: DOUGLAS BUNGER Recvd: NO Subj: Multiple Background Color Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
DB> couple days back. Could clear up one thing for me? What is a DB> named block common rather than a global common parameter? A named block common, I have recently found out, is VERY VERY useful in large projects. It allows shared variables between programs that LINK together, whereas a global common allows shared variables both between linked programs and CHAINed programs using a common run time module. For example, two programs input data. One has a 40 byte field as its longest, and the other has only 6 bytes (this is a real situation in many of my programs, and how I use the block common). In both, I would: '$INCLUDE:'ACGLOBAL.INC' ' Global COMMON's In ACGLOBAL, I would have: COMMON SHARED Highlite COMMON SHARED Normal COMMON SHARED CompanyName$ COMMON SHARED CompanyID$ COMMON SHARED Flags() etc... Stuff that's needed in all programs But for each program, I would also have: ' BYTE40.BAS '$INCLUDE:'ACGLOBAL.INC' '$INCLUDE:'BYTE40.DEC' ' Block declaration for this program ' only In BYTE40.DEC: COMMON SHARED /BYTE40/ Dat() AS STRING * 40 But for BYTE6.DEC: COMMON SHARED /BYTE6/ Dat() AS STRING * 6 I could NOT use Dat() as a global common and have different sizes to it. Also, some programs use certain data files, while others don't. For example, Vendor Update: '$INCLUDE:'VENTYPE.DEC' This would have: TYPE VendorType Name AS STRING * 25 Address1 AS STRING * 25 etc... END TYPE COMMON SHARED /VENTYPE/ VenRec() AS VendorType COMMON SHARED /VENTYPE/ VenBuf COMMON SHARED /VENTYPE/ VenRecLen DECLARE FUNCTION VendorCodes$(VenRec() AS VendorType) Another program doesn't use the vendor but may use the employee: '$INCLUDE:'EMPLTYPE.DEC' TYPE EmployeeType Name ... etc... END TYPE COMMON SHARED /EMPLTYPE/ EmRec() AS EmployeeType --- * Origin: Midnight Micro! V.32/REL (918)451-3306 (1:170/600)
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