Quickbasic .Libs

 BBS: Inland Empire Archive
Date: 04-17-92 (13:06)             Number: 58
From: JEAN CREPEAU                 Refer#: NONE
  To: THOMAS HEAD                   Recvd: NO  
Subj: Quickbasic .Libs               Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
In a message to ALL, THOMAS HEAD wrote:
TH=>     Help!   I see all these great  new .LIB files, but I have  no idea
    how to compile QuickBasic programs outside of the "Run" menu.  Any help
    would be greatly appreciated!

        It's  not  very  difficult.  The  first  thing  you do is to invoke
BC.EXE. You just have to type
        C>BC filename;
                filename being your BASIC file to compile.

You may also specify some options (before the ;)
/e: if you use the ON ERROR GOTO statement
/x: if you use the ON ERROR GOTO and RESUME or RESUME NEXT statements
/v or /w: if you use any trap (ON KEY GOTO, ON PLAY GOTO, etc...)
/o: if you want to make a stand-alone (and bigger) .EXE file

Then, you just have to LINK your program to the library:
        C>LINK filename;

        The linker will search for the  library and link it to your  object
file procuced  by BC.EXE.  You need  the library  BRUN45.LIB (if you didn't
compile your program with the /o option) or BCOM45.LIB (if you did  compile
it with /o).

        If  you  compiled  your  program  without  /o,  you  will also need
BRUN45.EXE to run your program.  Without this option, your executable  file
is smaller,  but contains  a small  "boot" code  to load  BRUN45.EXE, which
contains many functions of  quick basic. You are  not allowed to give  this
file to your friends, nor can you sell it!

        If you want to give an executable file to a friend or just want  to
sell it, you must compile it with the /o option. This will force the linker
to directly includes the functions you need in your executable file,  which
results in a much larger executable file.
 * Origin: INTERACESS Montreal (QC) Canada (514) 528-1415 (1:167/280)
Outer Court
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