BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 04-16-92 (16:48) Number: 112 From: DICK DENNISON Refer#: NONE To: GARY POOL Recvd: NO Subj: Re: Date Routine Question Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
GP> Does anyone have a good routine that will tûßÛûñ…ïkeñ…ûllû the day of GP> the week from the date? (Sorry, a lot of line noise today). GP> For example, Call DayOfWeek$(Date$) would call a Function DayOfWeek$ GP> that would return Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, etc. A friend of mine d GP> it in assembler on the host, but if I ask him for the algorithm, he wi GP> harrass me to no end. I'm sure that this is something that has been GP> done many times before, so I'd rather not reinvent the wheel. Thanks GP> advance. gp 'Try this: 'Day of Week - Dick Dennison 10/26/89 '$INCLUDE: '' 'load qb with the /L switch 'Interrupt 21 Function 2AH - get date DIM InRegs AS RegType, OutRegs AS RegType DIM Day(7) AS STRING * 3 Day$(0) = "Sun": Day$(1) = "Mon": Day$(2) = "Tue": Day$(3) = "Wed" Day$(4) = "Thu": Day$(5) = "Fri": Day$(6) = "Sat" CLS = &H2A * 256 '2Ah in ah CALL INTERRUPT(&H21, InRegs, OutRegs) ' * * * cx is the year, dh is the month, dl is the date, al is the day PRINT; " = year" PRINT OutRegs.dx \ 256; " = month" PRINT OutRegs.dx MOD 256; " = date" daynum% = MOD 256 PRINT "Day of the week is "; Day$(daynum%) --- VP [DOS] V4.09e * Origin: New York Quick Share Point * HST (914)374-3903 (1:272/34)
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