BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 04-14-92 (09:33) Number: 97 From: MATT HART Refer#: NONE To: JASON GORMLEY Recvd: NO Subj: Out of String Space Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
Continued from previous... Variables : The variables held in Dgroup are simple strings (non fixed length) and simple string arrays, simple numeric variables (non arrays), TYPE definitions, CONSTants, all descriptors to these variables (address' of simple numerics, and address' & lengths of simple strings), pointers to arrays, and stuff I think even Microsoft isn't sure about. DATA : The stuff in DATA statements is in dgroup. STATIC : If an array is DIMmed instead of REDIMmed, it's in dgroup. If you don't use the '$DYNAMIC metacommand, then most everything is in dgroup - wasting lots of space. STATIC can increase the speed of your program - it makes things near instead of far - but it won't be increased by very much. The most common problem with Dgroup is bad usage of strings. For example, if you have DATA statements that are then loaded into a string array, your Dgroup is getting double whammied. The DATA itself is in Dgroup, then the descriptors for the string array are in Dgroup (4 bytes for each element), and then the DATA itself is COPIED into the portion of Dgroup pointed to as the string array! If you had 3 sets of 4K of data, that would result in about 9K of Dgroup usage - or about 14% ! Put those DATA statements out in a disk file and load them. Compiling your program with /S will put quoted strings into the code segment and out of dgroup. PRINT "This is a quoted string". Most string arrays can be converted to far strings. See the next section for an explanation on that. Use '$DYNAMIC in your programs. This will insure that REDIMmed arrays are placed into far memory. Third, Far Heap : This is the most underutilized, least understand, and BIGGEST available memory area. When a QB program starts, it takes all available DOS memory and seperates it into it's CODE segment, a 64K Dgroup chunk, and everything that's left is the far heap. Fixed length string arrays REDIM Strg(1 TO 100) AS STRING * 32 TYPE arrays REDIM EmRec(1 TO 1) AS EmployeeType and numeric arrays REDIM Amounts(1 TO 100) AS DOUBLE go into the far heap. Continued... --- * Origin: Midnight Micro! V.32/REL (918)451-3306 (1:170/600)
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