Recursive Directory 3/

 BBS: Inland Empire Archive
Date: 04-14-92 (16:46)             Number: 80
From: MICHAEL MALLEY               Refer#: NONE
  To: ALL                           Recvd: NO  
Subj: Recursive Directory   3/       Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
>>> Continued from previous message
            ErrorLevel = ErrorLevel XOR ErrorLevel
            MID$(Levels, Position) = CHR$(ErrorLevel)
            IF NOT ShowFiles OR FirstTime THEN GOSUB DrawTree
            PRINT TAB(Column); CHR$(192); STRING$(1, 196); Directory$
            ExitFlag = True
            ShowTree PathSpec$ + "\" + Directory$, Position + 1
        END IF
    LOOP UNTIL ExitFlag

    '--- This method of drawing the tree will allow for all nested
    '    levels of subdirectories, up the the DOS maximum of 32, to
    '    be shown on the screen without the screen wrapping and
    '    extra carraige returns that TREE.COM does.  It also shows
    '    all directories graphically which is better than the way
    '    PC Tools handles it.

    '--- Allow user termination by looking for <CTRL>+C
        KeyStroke = INKEY$
        IF LEN(KeyStroke) THEN
            IF ASC(KeyStroke) = 3 THEN END
            EXIT DO
        END IF

    FOR Counter = 1 TO Position - 1
        '--- Use TAB instead of LOCATE so device redirection works
        PRINT TAB(((Counter - 1) * 2) + 1);
        IF ASC(MID$(Levels, Counter, 1)) THEN PRINT CHR$(179);
    NEXT Counter

    FirstTime = NOT FirstTime
    FileName$ = GetFile(PathSpec$ + "\*.*" + CHR$(0), ScratchDTA, True)
    DO WHILE LEN(FileName$)
        GOSUB DrawTree
        IF ASC(MID$(Levels, Position, 1)) THEN
            PRINT TAB(Column); CHR$(179); TAB(Column + 3);
            PRINT TAB(Column + 2);
        END IF
        PRINT FileName$
        FileName$ = GetFile("", ScratchDTA, True)
    ErrorLevel = ErrorLevel XOR ErrorLevel

 * SLMR 2.1a * He's got a magnet!  Everybody BACKUP!!! - Cmdr. Data

--- Maximus 2.01wb
 * Origin: UltraTech - Nashville, TN  (615) 356-0453 {HST} (1:116/30)
Outer Court
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