Print using

 BBS: Inland Empire Archive
Date: 04-13-92 (20:01)             Number: 132
From: TOM KIEHL                    Refer#: 130
  To: MARGARET ROMAO                Recvd: NO  
Subj: Print using                    Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
MR>JT>I'd like to be able to have more than one Variable
  >JT>printed on the same line using PRINT USING...
MR>JT>PRINT #1, "Something here"; USING "[###]"; Total1_
  >JT>    USING "[###]"; Total2
MR>PRINT #1, "Something here"; USING "[###]"; Total1;
  >PRINT #1, USING "[###]"; Total2
MR>Notice the semicolon after Total1. This _should_ work.
MR>Margaret Romao

Margaret, the easiest way is to:

PRINT #1, USING "Something here [###] [###]";Total1;Total2


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