BBS: Inland Empire Archive
Date: 06-27-92 (16:11)             Number: 1513
From: MARK BUTLER                  Refer#: NONE
  To: ALL                           Recvd: NO  
Subj: UUE2DBG     2/3                Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
 >>> continued from previous message
        SCRFileName$ = FileName$ + ".SCR"
    END IF

 SUB Twister (row%, col%, turn%)
    LOCATE row%, col%
    SELECT CASE turn%
        CASE 1
            PRINT "(|)";
        CASE 2
            PRINT "(/)";
        CASE 3
            PRINT "(-)";
        CASE 4
            PRINT "(\)";

 --------------------------8< CUT HERE  8<----------------------------

 Well, that's all there is to that. The next message is the uue debug
 script file to recreate uue.arj.

 ---------> MHB :-)

... OFFLINE 1.39 * Time is but the stream I go a-fishing in

--- WM v2.03/91-0012
 * Origin: Com-Dat BBS  Hillsboro, OR.  HST (503) 681-0543 (1:105/314)
Outer Court
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