BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 04-12-92 (19:30) Number: 98 From: LOGAN ASHBY Refer#: NONE To: DONALD SUTER Recvd: NO Subj: QB help with disk files? Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
In a msg of <10 Apr 92>, Donald Suter writes to All: DS > Help please, I have been trying to write a program to sort a DS > text file of 1+ megs into smaller more manageable files. The file is DS > to be sorted into app. 34 files. When I run the program it locks up For some reason, a lot of programming languages limit you to 15 file handles, no matter what you have in your CONFIG.SYS file. I don't think this is done by the languages but is a problem with DOS. Here's a way to bump it up using CALL Interrupt: - - - - - - - - - - - - - clip here - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' Logan Ashby - 4/12/92 - public domain code '$INCLUDE: 'QB.BI' DIM RegsX AS RegTypeX CONST MaxFiles% = 40 '| Max. # Files we want open '| at one time. = &H6700 '| DOS Set # of File Handles Func. RegsX.bx = (MaxFiles% + 5) OR 1 '| Force # File Hnds to an odd # CALL InterruptX(&H21, RegsX, RegsX) '| Carry flag set, there was IF (RegsX.Flags AND 1) THEN '| an error PRINT "Error in Interrupt Call, DOS Error Code:"; END END IF FOR i% = 1 TO MaxFiles% '| Now test it. PRINT "Opening File #"; i% FileName$ = "FILENUM." + LTRIM$(STR$(i%)) OPEN FileName$ FOR OUTPUT AS #i% PRINT #i%, "This is FileNum "; i% NEXT i% CLOSE END - - - - - - - - - - - - - clip here - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - This _should_ work with DOS versions 3.3 or later. All the systems I have access to have DOS 5.0 on them, so I couldn't test it with earlier versions, but it did work on the ones I tried it on. You must have FILES in your CONFIG.SYS set at least five greater than the number of handles you want for this to work. DOS claims five handles for its own use internally. The line in the code above where I force the number of files handles requested to be an odd number is because of a bug in DOS 3.3 that tries to allocate 64k for the new file handle table when an even number of handles are requested. One bit of weirdness. The first time I tried to run this in the IDE, it gave me DOS Error Code 8 - Not enough memory. I rebooted, tried it again, and it worked?!? If you can't get it to work within the IDE, try compiling it and see if you have better luck running it from the command line. Remember to add the /L switch when you start QB for any code that uses CALL Interrupt(X) DS > I tried to post this once before, but I think it got lost, if this is DS > a repeat please forgive me, and answer my question anyway. Thanks. I saw it the first time but thought someone else would probably be able to give a better answer, as I've never needed to do this before. Don't worry, you did the right thing by hollering until somebody answered. <grin> Hope this works for you. If you have any questions about the code, fire off a message, and I'll try to answer them. seeya, Logan --- GoldED 2.31p * Origin: Lurker's Lounging Point (1:398/1.2)
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