BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 04-08-92 (04:44) Number: 16 From: RICK PEDLEY Refer#: NONE To: GRAHAM CHATFIELD Recvd: NO Subj: Help with DATE$ Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
On 04-07-92 GRAHAM CHATFIELD wrote to All... GC> What I need is a date calculator to perform a function like this: GC> GC> Take todays date (April 7/92) which date$ prints as "04-07- GC> 1992" and find the new date if I subtract 20 days from GC> todays date. GC> GC> IE: DATE$ - number_of_days = previous date GC> GC> or April 7/92 - 20 = March xx/92 GC> GC> Hopefully it could detect if a leap year was in effect and make the GC> necessary adjustments for February. Form doesn't really GC> matter, (mm/dd/yy or yyyy,mm,dd) as I can manipulate that GC> any way I choose. DEFINT A-Z INPUT "Date in form 02-17-1992: ", Dayt$ 'or get date from DATE$ Month = VAL(MID$(Dayt$, 1, 2)) Day = VAL(MID$(Dayt$, 4, 2)) Year = VAL(MID$(Dayt$, 7, 4)) IF Month < 3 THEN Year = Year - 1 Month = Month + 13 ELSE Month = Month + 1 END IF JulianDay& = INT(365.25 * Year) + INT(30.6001 * Month) + Day '^ this converts it to a Julian date, which I believe is the ' number of days from the year 0. INPUT "Subtract how many days: ", DaysSubtracted& JulianDay& = JulianDay& - DaysSubtracted& 'Now, convert it back to a Gregorian date (the kind we're used to) Year = INT((JulianDay& - 122.1) / 365.25) Month = INT((JulianDay& - INT(365.25 * Year)) / 30.6001) Day = JulianDay& - INT(365.25 * Year) - INT(30.6001 * Month) IF Month > 13 THEN Month = Month - 13 ELSE Month = Month - 1 END IF IF Month < 3 THEN Year = Year + 1 NewDayt$ = RIGHT$("00" + LTRIM$(STR$(Month)), 2) + "-" + '(join to line below) RIGHT$("00" + LTRIM$(STR$(Day)), 2) + "-" + LTRIM$(STR$(Year)) PRINT "The new date is: "; NewDayt$ This is pieced together from various sources, and accounts for leap years. You might want to split the two parts into two functions, JuliGreg and GregJuli; they'd be more useful like that. ... OFFLINE 1.36 --- Maximus 2.01wb * Origin: The BULLpen BBS * Intel 14.4EX (613)549-5168 (1:249/140)
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