Saving Screen In Text Mod

 BBS: Inland Empire Archive
Date: 04-04-92 (13:43)             Number: 200
From: DON KROUSE                   Refer#: NONE
  To: GREG BUXTON                   Recvd: NO  
Subj: Saving Screen In Text Mod      Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
GB>Hello, I am a Decent QB Programmer, but have not beeen able to do something

Hi Greg,
I'm sure there are better ways, but the code below will work. It saves all
or a part of the screen to an array. (you could bsave it to disk instead)
The screen can then be restored to the same or different locations.
I hope that it helps.
' Demonstration of PEEK & POKE to save & write screens by DON KROUSE

FOR i = 1 TO 25 '---- Fill the screen with a pattern
   LOCATE i, 1: COLOR 1: PRINT STRING$(40, "*");
   LOCATE i, 41: COLOR 4: PRINT STRING$(40, "*");
COLOR 7, 0
LOCATE 7, 30: PRINT "My name is Don Krouse"
LOCATE 9, 22: PRINT "Press a key to save part of the screen"
' ---- define the part of the screen to be saved
TopRow = 6: BRow = 10: LCol = 20: RCol = 60
'---- Determine the array size needed
Els% = ((BRow - TopRow + 1) * (RCol - LCol + 1)) * 2
REDIM ScreenArray%(Els%)
'---- Save the screen
Cols = RCol - LCol
DEF SEG = &HB800  'Use &HB000 for Mono cards
FOR i = TopRow TO BRow
   FOR j = LCol - 1 TO ((LCol - 1) + (Cols * 2)) + 1
      Place% = (((i - 1) * 160) + LCol + j) - 1
      ScreenArray%(El%) = PEEK(Place%)
      El% = El% + 1
   NEXT j
LOCATE 7, 22: PRINT "Part of the screen has been saved"
LOCATE 9, 22: PRINT "Press a key to Restore the saved part"
LOCATE 10, 22: PRINT "to several new locations"
DEF SEG = &HB800
TopRow = 5: BRow = 9: LCol = 15: El% = 0
FOR i = TopRow TO BRow
   FOR j = LCol - 1 TO ((LCol - 1) + (Cols * 2)) + 1 STEP 2
      Place% = (((i - 1) * 160) + LCol + j) - 1
      POKE Place%, ScreenArray%(El%)
      POKE Place% + 1, ScreenArray%(El% + 1)
      El% = El% + 2
   NEXT j
TopRow = 20: BRow = 24: LCol = 1: El% = 0
FOR i = TopRow TO BRow
   FOR j = LCol - 1 TO ((LCol - 1) + (Cols * 2)) + 1 STEP 2
      Place% = (((i - 1) * 160) + LCol + j) - 1
      POKE Place%, ScreenArray%(El%)
      POKE Place% + 1, ScreenArray%(El% + 1)
      El% = El% + 2
   NEXT j
 * Origin: Silver Lake Systems * Bothell, WA (1:343/58)
Outer Court
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