BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 04-01-92 (22:32) Number: 110 From: JEAN CREPEAU Refer#: NONE To: MONTE FERGUSON Recvd: NO Subj: Color Cycling Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
In a message to ALL, MONTE FERGUSON wrote: MF=> Does anyone have a nice smooth color cycler that'll rotate the VGA pallette (for the "tunnel" moving effect)? MF=> I've played with writing my own, but this pallette stuff is a pain... I was wondering if anyone could save me from re-inventing the wheel. A good way to do it is to program your palette into an array of long integers (for VGA palette) and use the PALETTE USING to set the palette... DEFINT A-Z DIM SHARED palar(511) as long CALL initpal ' Initialise the 256 colors in the palette (random) i=0 DO palar(i+256)=palar(i) ' Initialise other colors PALETTE USING paral(i) ' Set palette i=i+1 and 511 ' Select next colors in sequence CALL delay ' Delay subroutine to slowdown LOOP UNTIL LEN(INKEY$) SUB initpal FOR i=0 TO 255 palar(i)=INT(RND*262143!+.5) NEXT END SUB SUB delay t!=timer DO:LOOP UNTIL timer-t!=>.1 ' Delay = 1/10 of sec. END SUB Hope it works! I'm working on a hercule card... VGA is at school... --- * Origin: INTERACESS Montreal (QC) Canada (514) 528-1415 (1:167/280)
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