BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 01-04-56 (01:04) Number: 1467 From: BRENT ASHLEY Refer#: NONE To: ALLAN ZACHARY Recvd: NO Subj: Locode 2/5 Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
' ' LOCODE.BAS - by Brent Ashley ' ' for Allan Zachary ' DECLARE SUB ProgressMeter (Row%, Col%, freq%) DECLARE FUNCTION Encode$ (Byte3$) DEFINT A-Z DIM Byte3 AS STRING * 3, Byte4 AS STRING * 4, CRLF AS STRING * 2 DIM SHARED CharSet AS STRING * 64 CharSet = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ()" CRLF = CHR$(13) + CHR$(10) IF COMMAND$ = "" THEN PRINT "Syntax: LOCODE Filename.ext" PRINT "LoCoded file will be created as Filename.LOC" END END IF ' parse filenames InFileName$ = RTRIM$(COMMAND$) OutFileName$ = InFileName$ DotPos = INSTR(OutFileName$, ".") IF DotPos THEN OutFileName$ = LEFT$(InFileName$, DotPos - 1) END IF OutFileName$ = OutFileName$ + ".LOC" ' open files ON ERROR GOTO ErrorTrap InFile = FREEFILE OPEN InFileName$ FOR BINARY AS #InFile OutFile = FREEFILE ' truncate to 0 if found OPEN OutFileName$ FOR OUTPUT AS #OutFile CLOSE #OutFile OPEN OutFileName$ FOR BINARY AS #OutFile ON ERROR GOTO 0 PRINT PRINT "LOCode - encodes binary files to low-order ASCII" PRINT "By Brent Ashley - released into Public Domain" IF LOF(InFile) THEN ' start signature Temp$ = ")LOCODE(" + CRLF ' filename PUT #OutFile, , Temp$ Temp$ = InFileName$ + CRLF PUT #OutFile, , Temp$ ' byte count Temp$ = LTRIM$(STR$(LOF(InFile))) + CRLF PUT #OutFile, , Temp$ PRINT "Processing "; InFileName$; " "; Row = CSRLIN Col = POS(0) LinePos = 0 DO WHILE NOT EOF(InFile) ProgressMeter Row, Col, 5 GET #InFile, , Byte3 Byte4 = Encode(Byte3) PUT #OutFile, , Byte4 LinePos = LinePos + 4 IF LinePos = 64 THEN PUT #OutFile, , CRLF LinePos = 0 END IF LOOP Temp$ = CRLF + ")LOCEND(" + CRLF PUT #OutFile, , Temp$ PRINT " ...Done" PRINT END IF CLOSE END ErrorTrap: PRINT "Error opening "; InFileName$; " or "; OutFileName$ CLOSE END FUNCTION Encode$ (Byte3$) ' Encodes 3-byte string into 4-byte low-ascii string Temp$ = SPACE$(4) ' extract three input bytes i = ASC(MID$(Byte3$, 3, 1)) j = ASC(MID$(Byte3$, 2, 1)) k = ASC(MID$(Byte3$, 1, 1)) ' build four output bytes MID$(Temp$, 4, 1) = MID$(CharSet, (i AND &H3F) + 1, 1) MID$(Temp$, 3, 1) = MID$(CharSet, (j AND &HF) * 4 + (i \ &H40) + 1, 1) (Continued in the next message) ___ X DeLuxe2 1.12 #10383 X --- Maximus 2.00 * Origin: Durham Systems (ONLINE!) (1:229/110)
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Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution (including Tiny BASIC)
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