BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 03-22-92 (08:34) Number: 112 From: TIM FITZGERALD Refer#: 109 To: MICHAEL ORCHEKOWSKI Recvd: NO Subj: Re: Directory Tree Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
MO> Try this: MO> MO> DIM Dirs$(1000) MO> CMD$="CHKDSK /V|FIND "+CHR$(34)+"Directory C:\"+CHR$(34)+">TEMP.$$$" MO> SHELL CMD$ MO> OPEN"TEMP.$$$" FOR INPUT AS #1 MO> WHILE NOT EOF(1) MO> DIR=DIR+1 MO> LINE INPUT #1,Dirs$(DIR) MO> WEND MO> CLOSE 1 MO> KILL "TEMP.$$$" Hi Michael!, thanks for the reply.. Notice the CMD$ line.. using an external program is what I would like to avoid. Although CHKDSK is a common DOS utility that EVERYONE should have in thier path, there are always exceptions to this. So I want to avoid this if possible. I'm keeping your snippet of code though, I'm sure I will be able to use it somewhere down the road. Tim --- Echodor 3.10a * Origin: The Chatter Box BBS - (504)775-7825 - (1:3800/18.0)
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