DOS Prompt 2/

 BBS: Inland Empire Archive
Date: 03-24-92 (03:24)             Number: 198
From: DARYL POSNETT                Refer#: NONE
  To: DUANE BURRIS                  Recvd: NO  
Subj: DOS Prompt            2/       Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
>>> Continued from previous message
'Get the master enviroment segment
FUNCTION GetMasterEnvSeg%

        DIM Regs AS RegTypeX = &H352E
        CALL INTERRUPTX(&H21, Regs, Regs)

        DEF SEG =
        GetMasterEnvSeg% = PEEK(&H2C) + PEEK(&H2D) * 256
        DEF SEG


'Get the master enviroment size in bytes
FUNCTION GetMasterEnvSize%
        DEF SEG = GetMasterEnvSeg% - 1
        Size% = (PEEK(3) + PEEK(4) * 256) * 16
        DEF SEG
        GetMasterEnvSize% = Size%

'Get a master enviroment variable
FUNCTION GetMasterEnvVar$ (EnvVar$)
        status% = GetMasterEnvVarInfo%(EnvVar$, EnvDef$, EnvSize%)
        GetMasterEnvVar$ = EnvDef$

'Get a master enviroment variable and it's location
' returns 0 on sucess, -1 if variable is not in enviroment
FUNCTION GetMasterEnvVarInfo% (EnvVar$, EnvDef$, EnvLoc%)

        MaxSize% = GetMasterEnvSize%

        DEF SEG = GetMasterEnvSeg%
        EnvAdr% = 0
        found% = 0

          temp$ = "": EnvLoc% = EnvAdr%
          WHILE PEEK(EnvAdr%) <> 0 AND EnvAdr% < MaxSize% - 1
              temp$ = temp$ + CHR$(PEEK(EnvAdr%))
              EnvAdr% = EnvAdr% + 1
          IF PEEK(EnvAdr% + 1) <> 0 THEN EnvAdr% = EnvAdr% + 1

          cntr% = INSTR(temp$, "=")
          IF cntr% = 0 THEN
                temp$ = ""
            IF LEFT$(temp$, cntr% - 1) = EnvVar$ THEN
              EnvDef$ = RIGHT$(temp$, LEN(temp$) - cntr%)
              found% = -1
              temp$ = ""
            END IF
          END IF
          IF EnvAdr% >= MaxSize% THEN temp$ = ""
        LOOP UNTIL temp$ = ""

        GetMasterEnvVarInfo% = NOT found%       ' return status

'Set a master enviroment variable
'  Adds variable to end of list if it isn't in the enviroment
'  returns 0 on success, -1 if out of enviroment space
FUNCTION SetMasterEnvVar% (EnvVar$, EnvDef$)

     ' prepend var name and new defintion to output string
     rest$ = EnvVar$ + "=" + EnvDef$ + CHR$(0)

     status% = GetMasterEnvVarInfo%(EnvVar$, CurDef$, VarBeg%)

     IF status% = 0 THEN
       ' point to end of current variable and definition
       VarEnd% = VarBeg% + LEN(EnvVar$) + LEN(CurDef$) + 2
       EnvAdr% = VarEnd%
>>> Continued to next message
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 * Origin: Inland Empire Archive (1:346/10)
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