BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 03-21-92 (17:17) Number: 130 From: MATT HART Refer#: NONE To: JIM CASSARO Recvd: NO Subj: Help Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
JC> I need some source code that will goto a specified line in a JC> straight ASCII file an replace a 0 with a 2. I run a door on my JC> BBS designed for WildCat BBS software, and I use SuperBBS. The JC> program I use to convert DORINFO1.BBS to DOOR.SYS, place a 0 for JC> the amount of files downloaded. I would like to change this to a JC> 2. Any help would greatly be appreciated. BTW, the 0 is on line JC> 25 of the ASCII file. Is this a sequential file or a binary file? Is that byte on line 25 always at the same location - I.E. 300 bytes into the file (or whatever)? If so, you can use a binary PUT to change it: OPEN "B",1,FileName$ SEEK 1,300 A$ = "2" PUT 1,,A$ CLOSE If it is a sequential file, you can input the lines and save to a temporary file until line 25, and then change it: OPEN "I",1,FileName$ OPEN "O",2,TempFile$ FOR i = 1 TO 24 LINE INPUT #1,A$ PRINT #2,A$ NEXT LINE INPUT #1,A$ PRINT #2,"2" DO UNTIL EOF(1) LINE INPUT #1,A$ PRINT #2,A$ LOOP CLOSE KILL FileName$ NAME TempFile$ AS FileName$ Make sure that TempFile$ and FileName$ are on the same drive as the NAME command does not work across drives, but does work across directories. --- DB B1061/002106 * Origin: Midnight Micro! V.32 <<<Stereo>>> (1:170/600)
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