Graphics Mode

 BBS: Inland Empire Archive
Date: 03-20-92 (22:37)             Number: 122
From: MATT HART                    Refer#: 9
  To: MARK KO                       Recvd: NO  
Subj: Graphics Mode                  Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
In a message to All <18 Mar 92 00:03> Mark Ko wrote:

 MK> How many colors can one access in Screen mode 13?
 MK> I know there are at least 256. But is it true, there are actually,
 MK> 256,000 colors/?

 There are 256 colors available at any one time, usually
called PALETTEs. They are changed with the PALETTE command.
     PSET (0,0),1
will normally show blue.  But you can change this by:
     PALETTE 1,2
     PSET (0,0),1
Now it will be COLOR 2 = green.

--- DB B1061/002106
 * Origin: Midnight Micro! V.32 <<<Stereo>>> (1:170/600)
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