BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 03-19-92 (18:58) Number: 172 From: BOB PERKINS Refer#: NONE To: JOHN JANES Recvd: NO Subj: Re: Fossil Info Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
JJ> Ok, I am stumped. What's wrong with this sub.?? When I JJ> run it, the system is locked. I'm sure it has something JJ> to do with how I am setting the .es(seg) and .di(offset) JJ> but just can't get them right. So please if anyone knows JJ> what's wrong, PLEASE HELP..!! I came up with this and it seems to work okay.. I'm not sure why yours didn't work. I'm reading the data into a structure to make it easier to decipher later. ======================================================================= '$INCLUDE: '' DIM regs AS regtypex TYPE temp structsize AS INTEGER spec AS STRING * 1 revision AS STRING * 1 pointer AS LONG inbuffsize AS INTEGER inbytesleft AS INTEGER outbuffsize AS INTEGER outbytesleft AS INTEGER scrnwidth AS STRING * 1 scrnlength AS STRING * 1 actualbaud AS STRING * 1 END TYPE DIM fossinfo AS temp CLS = &H1B00 regs.dx = 1 = 19 = VARSEG(fossinfo) regs.di = VARPTR(fossinfo) interruptX &H14, regs, regs PRINT "Stucture size = "; fossinfo.structsize PRINT "Fossil Spec = "; ASC(fossinfo.spec) PRINT "Revision Level = "; ASC(fossinfo.revision) PRINT "ASCII ID Pointer = "; fossinfo.pointer PRINT "Size of input buffer = "; fossinfo.inbuffsize PRINT "Bytes in input buffer = "; fossinfo.inbytesleft PRINT "Size of output buffer = "; fossinfo.outbuffsize PRINT "Bytes in output buffer = "; fossinfo.outbytesleft PRINT "Width of Screen = "; ASC(fossinfo.scrnwidth) PRINT "Length of Screen = "; ASC(fossinfo.scrnlength) PRINT "Actual Baud Rate Byte = "; ASC(fossinfo.actualbaud) END --- Msg V4.5 * Origin: Reciprocity Failure (1:124/4115.236)
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