BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 03-19-92 (14:32) Number: 115 From: STEVE GARTRELL Refer#: NONE To: GREG ALHO Recvd: NO Subj: Slow Printer Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
'If this works, just use FixPrint NewTries% PrinterNum% 'in future programs, where NewTries% is the number shown 'at the end of the program's run. PrinterNum% is obvious. 'If it doesn't work, it'll say so. Do make sure 'that your printer is on line ready to go...These changes 'aren't permanent; they'll disappear as soon as ya 'reboot. Basically, all this does is attempt a big 'print; if it times out, it increases the number of 'retries the BIOS will make before freakin' out up to 'the maximum of 256. If it hits 256, it quits and reloads 'the original value...It may burn some paper before it 'finds a good value or gives up...|-} DEFINT A-Z DECLARE FUNCTION PokeyPrinter% (PrinterNum%) DECLARE SUB FixPrint (NewTries%, PrinterNum%) DIM SHARED PrintFlag% CLS '1 = lpt1, 2 = lpt2, 3 = lpt3, 4 = lpt4 PrinterNum% = 1 LOCATE 23, 1 Tries% = PokeyPrinter%(PrinterNum%) SELECT CASE Tries% CASE IS > 256, 0 PRINT "Didn't help ya; sorry!"; CASE ELSE PRINT "Use "; LTRIM$(STR$(PrinterNum%)); " when calling FixPrint."; END SELECT END PrintError: PrintFlag% = -1 RESUME NEXT SUB FixPrint (NewTries%, PrinterNum%) IF PrinterNum% > 0 THEN PrinterNum% = PrinterNum% - 1 ELSE PrinterNum% = 0 END IF PrnTriesAddr% = &H78 + PrinterNum% DEF SEG = &H40 POKE PrnTriesAddr%, NewTries% DEF SEG END SUB FUNCTION PokeyPrinter% (PrinterNum%) IF PrinterNum% > 0 THEN PrinterNum% = PrinterNum% - 1 ELSE PrinterNum% = 0 END IF PrnTriesAddr% = &H78 + PrinterNum% DEF SEG = &H40 StoreTries% = PEEK(PrnTriesAddr%) DEF SEG IF StoreTries% = 0 THEN StoreTries% = 16 END IF CurrentTries% = StoreTries% ON ERROR GOTO PrintError PrintError% = 0 Prn$ = "01234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" DO FOR cnt% = 1 TO 40 LPRINT Prn$; IF PrintFlag% THEN EXIT FOR NEXT cnt% IF PrintFlag% THEN PrintFlag% = 0 CurrentTries% = CurrentTries% + 4 DEF SEG = &H40 IF CurrentTries% > 256 THEN POKE PrnTriesAddr%, StoreTries% DEF SEG PokeyPrinter% = CurrentTries% EXIT FUNCTION ELSE POKE PrnTriesAddr%, CurrentTries% DEF SEG start! = TIMER + .5 DO: LOOP UNTIL TIMER > start! END IF ELSE IF CurrentTries% > StoreTries% THEN PokeyPrinter% = CurrentTries% ELSE PokeyPrinter% = 0 END IF EXIT FUNCTION END IF LOOP ON ERROR GOTO 0 END FUNCTION --- DB B1061/071082 * Origin: RadioLink! Columbus, OH (614)766-2162 HST/DS 1:226/140 (1:226/140)
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