Re: Dbase Iv

 BBS: Inland Empire Archive
Date: 03-17-92 (08:55)             Number: 177
From: ROB SMETANA @ 914/201        Refer#: NONE
  To: FRANCOIS ROY                  Recvd: NO  
Subj: Re: Dbase Iv                   Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
>  JF> I have been looking for a way to access dBASE IV files with QB
> 4.5.
>      FILTYP     AS STRING * 1   ' &03 or &83
>      UPDYY      AS STRING * 1   ' Update date YYMMDD
>      UPDMM      AS STRING * 1
>      UPDDD      AS STRING * 1
>      NREC       AS LONG         ' # records in file
>      HDRLEN     AS INTEGER      ' # bytes in header (this header+all
>                                 '  descriptors+terminator byte)
>      RCDLEN     AS INTEGER      ' # bytes in a record
> TYPE DBFLD      ' One per field, after the header
>      FLDNAM     AS STRING * 11  ' Field Name, padded with &00s
>      FLDTYP     AS STRING * 1   ' C=Char, D=Date, N=Numeric, F=Float,
>                                 ' L=Logical, M=Memo
>      FLDADR     AS LONG         ' Junk
>      FLDLEN     AS STRING * 1   ' Field length
>      FLDDEC     AS STRING * 1   ' No. of decimals
It might also help to point out that:
   Number.Fields = (dbHdr.HdrLen \ 32) - 1

Also, do you know the purpose of FLDADR?  And where does dBase store
the address/offset/?? of Memos in DBT files?
    * In what form are these addresses stored?  How interpret?

Finally, do you have any further insights into reading numeric
fields in EBCDIC files?

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