BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 03-16-92 (05:14) Number: 176 From: STEVE GARTRELL Refer#: NONE To: ALL Recvd: NO Subj: Can't leave well enough a Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
'***NOTE: This will only work in SCREEN 0; memory storage methods differ '*** vastly in the graphics screens requiring much more complex code '*** for pop-up windows!!! Of course, you can remove the window stuff. ' DEFINT A-Z DECLARE SUB PushWindow (row%, col%, NumRows%, NumCols%) DECLARE SUB PopWindow () DECLARE FUNCTION WhatPrinterNum% () '$INCLUDE: 'QB.BI' '$DYNAMIC DIM SHARED DispSave(1, 1) AS INTEGER CLS FOR RowCnt% = 0 TO 15 LOCATE 5 + RowCnt%, 5 FOR ColorCnt% = 0 TO 48 COLOR ColorCnt% MOD 16, 0 PRINT LTRIM$(STR$(ColorCnt% MOD 16)); NEXT ColorCnt% NEXT RowCnt% COLOR 7, 0 CLS PrintFile% = WhatPrinterNum% IF PrintFile% THEN 'ordinarily you'd call your print subroutine passing PrintFile% ' as a parameter- this is just an example PRINT #PrintFile, "This part works"; CHR$(12); CLOSE #PrintFile% END IF END SUB PopWindow ' DEF SEG = &HB800 FOR cnt% = 1 TO UBOUND(DispSave, 1) POKE DispSave(cnt%, 1), DispSave(cnt%, 2) MOD 256 NEXT cnt% DEF SEG ' ERASE DispSave ' END SUB SUB PushWindow (row%, col%, NumRows%, NumCols%) ' NumBytes% = (NumCols% * 2) * NumRows% MemRow% = row% - 1 'compensate for zero base MemCol% = col% - 1 ByteCnt% = 0 ' REDIM DispSave(1 TO NumBytes%, 2) AS INTEGER ' DEF SEG = &HB800 FOR RowCnt% = 0 TO NumRows% - 1 MemOffset% = ((MemRow% + RowCnt%) * 160) + (MemCol% * 2) EndOffset% = ((MemRow% + RowCnt%) * 160) + ((MemCol% + NumCols%) * 2) FOR MemOffset% = MemOffset% TO EndOffset% - 1 ByteCnt% = ByteCnt% + 1 DispSave(ByteCnt%, 1) = MemOffset% DispSave(ByteCnt%, 2) = PEEK(MemOffset%) NEXT MemOffset% NEXT RowCnt% DEF SEG ' END SUB FUNCTION WhatPrinterNum% ' PrinterFound% = 0 PrintFile% = 0 ' DIM RegsToASM AS RegType, RegsFromASM AS RegType ' DO FOR PrinterNum% = 0 TO 2 = &H7 'ding-a-ling... RegsToASM.dx = PrinterNum% CALL INTERRUPT(&H17, RegsToASM, RegsFromASM) IF ( AND &H2900) = 0 THEN 'no errors? IF ( AND &H1000) THEN 'on line? PrinterFound% = PrinterNum% + 1 EXIT FOR END IF END IF NEXT PrinterNum% IF PrinterFound% = 0 THEN BEEP PushWindow 8, 15, 7, 47 COLOR 14, 1 LOCATE 8, 15 PRINT "ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ»"; LOCATE 9, 15 PRINT "º º"; LOCATE 10, 15 PRINT "º Your printer is not responding. º"; LOCATE 11, 15 PRINT "º Please check your printer. º"; LOCATE 12, 15 PRINT "º [ESC] aborts print; any other key to retry. º"; LOCATE 13, 15 PRINT "º º"; LOCATE 14, 15 PRINT "ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ"; DO diskey$ = INKEY$ LOOP UNTIL LEN(diskey$) PopWindow COLOR 7, 0 IF ASC(diskey$) = 27 THEN EXIT DO END IF END IF LOOP UNTIL PrinterFound% ' IF PrinterFound% THEN PrinterFile$ = "LPT" + LTRIM$(STR$(PrinterFound%)) + ":" PrintFile% = FREEFILE OPEN PrinterFile$ FOR OUTPUT AS PrintFile% END IF ' WhatPrinterNum% = PrintFile% ' END FUNCTION --- DB B1061/071082 * Origin: RadioLink! Columbus, Ohio (614)766-2162 HST/DS (1:226/140)
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