BASIC malfunction

Date: 02-29-92 (12:20)             Number: 99
From: SIDE OUT #7 @9150            Refer#: NONE
  To:                               Recvd: YES 
Subj: BASIC malfunction              Conf: (19) The Progra

MH#@>Re: BASIC malfunction MH#@>By: Side Out #7 @9150 VirtualNET MH#@>that you think that basic says 121/11-int(121/11)=.5 MH#@>while in fact your program is calculating 121/2-int(121/2) which really is MH#@>0.5! OK, I failed to say that there was a line to increment I#. Here's the whole program. On either BASIC 3.31 for IBM or on the C-64, this same program (with minor differences on the C-64 due to lack of an ELSE statement, etc.), this program will say that both 49 and 121 (among others) are prime numbers when they're divisible by 7 and 11 respect- ively. As I said before, it appears that this problem only happens when the number entered is an odd square that has no other factors its square root. 10 CLS 20 PRINT "Number Factory":PRINT 30 PRINT "Number to factor (12 digits max.)" 40 INPUT N#:IF N#<2 OR N#>=1E+13 THEN END 50 I#=2:NS#=SQR(N#):NU#=N#:CLS:PRINT N#,NS#:PRINT 60 XP=0 70 IF N#/I#=INT(N#/I#) THEN XP=XP+1:N#=N#/I#:GOTO 70 80 IF XP>0 THEN PRINT I#;:IF XP>1 THEN PRINT "^";XP ELSE PRINT 90 IF I#>2 THEN I#=I#+2 ELSE I#=I#+1 100 IF I#<NS# AND N#>1 THEN 60 110 IF N#>1 THEN PRINT N#;:IF N#=NU# THEN PRINT "is a prime number." ELSE PRINT 120 PRINT:GOTO 30 * SLMR 2.1a * Logic is a wreath of pretty flowers which smell BAD!
Outer Court
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