BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 11-23-92 (08:31) Number: 392 From: FRANCOIS ROY Refer#: NONE To: DAVID SOLLY Recvd: NO Subj: Detect CD-Rom drive Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
DS>Could someone please tell me if it is possible to write a Q[ick]Basic DS>routine to detect the presence of a CD-ROM drive and, more specifically, DS>to detect if the drive is ready? Thank you very much. TYPE REGTYPE ' For CALL INTERRUPT AX AS INTEGER BX AS INTEGER CX AS INTEGER DX AS INTEGER BP AS INTEGER SI AS INTEGER DI AS INTEGER FL AS INTEGER DS AS INTEGER ES AS INTEGER END TYPE DIM SHARED INR AS REGTYPE, OUR AS REGTYPE SUB CDDRIVE (DR$) STATIC DR$ = STRING$(32, 0) INR.AX = &H150D INR.BX = SADD(DR$) INR.ES = SSEG(DR$) CALL INTERRUPTX(&H2F, INR, OUR) IF ASC(DR$) = 0 THEN DR$ = "" ELSE DR$ = CHR$(ASC(DR$) + 65) + ":" END SUB The CALL INTERRUPTX requires the presence of the MS-Dos CD-Rom Extensions. The call can actually return more than one drive letters if many drives are attached; the simple CDDRIVE subroutine will only return the first one. Note that the drive letter (if any) returned when you CALL CDDRIVE(DR$) only indicates a drive is available. To test if it is ready, you have to attempt to open a file (ANY file - doesn't matter if it exists or not) and trap the error code: The 'Disk Not Ready' code is 71. --- ME2_1104 * Origin: Out of String Space - the Final Frontier (Fidonet 1:163/506.2)
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