BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 11-22-92 (00:30) Number: 380 From: PETE DUDESEK Refer#: NONE To: MICHAEL BAILEY Recvd: NO Subj: Variable Sharing in QB45 Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
> combnations of COMMON SHARED, DIM SHARED, and SHARED statements with > each of the modules and subs, and the variables still aren't being > shared back up to the module level and across to other modules. > Anyone know what I'm doing wrong, or am I trying to handle this I had the same problem recently and here is how I do it now. This is a simple little test program for you to use to see how to pass variables in modules. Just cut each one out and save them as a seperate files. COMMON.INC, DECLARE.INC, MAIN.BAS, SUB1.BAS, SUB2.BAS, and SUB3.BAS. Now load up QB and load in MAIN.BAS. Then with File/Load command Load in SUB1.BAS, SUB2.BAS and SUB3.BAS. Now run the program to see it work at passing to and from. ' ----- save this as COMMON.INC -------- ' These are all the common shared variables to be used ' by MAIN.BAS, SUB1.BAS, SUB2.BAS, SUB3.BAS COMMON SHARED Global1$, Global2$, Global3$ COMMON SHARED Global1%, Global2%, Global3% COMMON SHARED Global4$() DIM SHARED Global4$(10) Global1$ = "This is the Global1$" Global2$ = "This is the Global2$" Global3$ = "This is the Global3$" Global1% = 1 Global2% = 2 Global3% = 3 FOR Z% = 1 TO 10 Global4$(Z%) = "This is array Global4$ " + STR$(Z%) NEXT Z% '----- End of COMMON.INC ----- '----- Save this as DECLARE.INC ----- ' This is the common declare file to be used with ' MAIN.BAS, SUB1.BAS, SUB2.BAS, SUB3.BAS DECLARE SUB Sub1Sub () DECLARE SUB Sub2Sub () DECLARE FUNCTION Sub3Function% (Tmp$) DECLARE FUNCTION Sub3Function4$ (Tmp AS INTEGER) '----- End of DECLARE.INC ----- '----- Save as MAIN.BAS ----- ' This is a simple test program ' This is the main module called MAIN.BAS ' $INCLUDE: 'DECLARE.INC' ' $INCLUDE: 'COMMON.INC' CLS PRINT PRINT "We are in the main Module" PRINT Sub1Sub Sub2Sub PRINT Sub3Function(Test$) PRINT Test$ PRINT PRINT "Press a key to see the Global4$() array passing test" DO: LOOP WHILE INKEY$ = "" FOR X% = 1 TO 10 PRINT Sub3Function4$(X%) NEXT X% END '----- End of MAIN.BAS ----- '----- Save as SUB1.BAS ----- DECLARE SUB Sub1Sub () ' This is SUB1.BAS ' $INCLUDE: 'DECLARE.INC' ' $INCLUDE: 'COMMON.INC' SUB Sub1Sub PRINT "Coming to you from SUB1.BAS - SUB Sub1Sub" PRINT Global1$ PRINT END SUB '----- End of SUB1.BAS ----- '----- Save as SUB2.BAS ----- ' This is SUB2.BAS ' $INCLUDE: 'DECLARE.INC' ' $INCLUDE: 'COMMON.INC' Sub2Sub SUB Sub2Sub PRINT "Coming to you from SUB2.BAS - SUB Sub2Sub" PRINT Global2$, Global2% PRINT END SUB '----- End of SUB2.BAS ----- '----- Save as SUB3.BAS ----- ' This is SUB3.BAS ' $INCLUDE: 'DECLARE.INC' ' $INCLUDE: 'COMMON.INC' FUNCTION Sub3Function% (Tmp$) PRINT "Coming to you from SUB1.BAS - FUNCTION Sub3Functiuon%" Sub3Function% = Global3% Tmp$ = Global3$ END FUNCTION FUNCTION Sub3Function4$ (Tmp%) Sub3Function4$ = Global4$(Tmp%) END FUNCTION '----- End of SUB3.BAS ----- Note: That if you create a new FUNCTION in one of the sub modules remember to create a declare statement for it and put it in the DECLARE.INC. Same goes for SUB's, even though QB automatically adds a DECLARE SUB to your MAIN Module. Hope it helps you out. --- Squish v1.01 # Origin: UBU-Midwest - Bensenville IL - 708-766-1089 (8:7401/13) * Origin: FamilyNet Intl. Echogate [708] 887-7685 (1:115/887)
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