BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 11-19-92 (22:42) Number: 349 From: BRETT LEVIN Refer#: NONE To: ALL Recvd: NO Subj: Tweaked 320x400x256 M 1/2 Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
Here's my 320x400 mode code, for any and all who are intersted. It should work on all 100% compat. VGAs (F.L.W. <g>).. Have Fun! Begin------------------------------------------ ' tweakvga.bas by Brett Levin 11/13/92 (Friday the 13th! <g>) ' (latest update 11/19/92) ' You are free to use, destory, mangle, and pass on these routines as ' you wish. All I ask is that if you use it in a program, please give credit ' where credit is due. Thanks! ' ' Try this both compiled and in the environment, and at any different ' speeds your computer supports.. ' I wrote this from a text file posted by Earl Montgomery (thanx!), and ' my VGA reference.. I took a few risks while getting this to work but ' as far as I know, it should do fine on any register-compatible VGA. ' Just in case, though, I am not liable for any damages incurred by ' use or modification of this program.. :-) ' Otherwise, enjoy the show! -Brett DECLARE SUB BL.TweakMode () DEFINT A-Z DIM Red(256), Green(256), Blue(256) DEF SEG = &HA000 ' VGA segment BL.TweakMode ' Enter 320x400x256 mode.. ' First, clear the screen of any junk... OUT &H3C4, 2 ' This code sets the write plane enable register to all OUT &H3C5, 15 ' four planes.. 'FOR q = 0 TO 31999 ' 32k per plane, 128k total = 2 pages for a 256k vga ' POKE q, 0 ' This'll clear the screen, but not necessary now 'NEXT q ' ***** This is part I linecolor = 1 FOR x = 0 TO 79 FOR y = 0 TO 399 POKE (y * 80) + x, linecolor IF linecolor = 128 THEN linecolor = 1 ELSE linecolor = linecolor + 1 NEXT y NEXT x ' Set up the palette FOR a = 0 TO 63 Red(a) = SQR(a) * 5 Green(a) = SQR(a) * 2 Blue(a) = SQR(a) * 1 NEXT q = 64 FOR a = 63 TO 0 STEP -1 Red(q) = SQR(a) * 5 Green(q) = SQR(a) * 2 Blue(q) = SQR(a) * 1 q = q + 1 NEXT Red(129) = 50 Blue(129) = 50 GOSUB out.pal COLOR 129 PRINT "Lava" ' Screwed up because of planar mapping, but looks cool <g> GOSUB rotate ' ***** This is part II ' Set up the palette FOR a = 0 TO 63 Red(a) = SQR(a) * 1 Green(a) = SQR(a) * 2 Blue(a) = SQR(a) * 5 NEXT q = 64 FOR a = 63 TO 0 STEP -1 Red(q) = SQR(a) * 1 Green(q) = SQR(a) * 2 Blue(q) = SQR(a) * 5 q = q + 1 NEXT GOSUB out.pal linecolor = 1 FOR x = 0 TO 79 STEP 2 FOR y = 0 TO 399 POKE (y * 80) + x, linecolor IF linecolor > 127 THEN linecolor = 1 ELSE linecolor = linecolor + 1 NEXT y FOR y = 399 TO 0 STEP -1 POKE (y * 80) + (x + 1), linecolor IF linecolor > 127 THEN linecolor = 1 ELSE linecolor = linecolor + 1 NEXT y NEXT x COLOR 129 LOCATE 1, 1 PRINT "Cool, huh?" GOSUB rotate SCREEN 9 DO FOR t! = 0 TO 12.55 STEP .1 PRINT TAB(INT(37 + 30 * SIN(t!))); "See Ya!": IF LEN(INKEY$) <> 0 THEN END NEXT t! LOOP rotate: DO 'cycle through colors FOR a = 127 TO 0 STEP -1 FOR B = 0 TO 127 OUT &H3C7, B + 1: OUT &H3C8, B + 1 D = (a + B) MOD 128 OUT &H3C9, Red(D) OUT &H3C9, Green(D) OUT &H3C9, Blue(D) NEXT IF INKEY$ <> "" THEN EXIT DO NEXT LOOP RETURN out.pal: FOR a = 0 TO 255 OUT &H3C7, a: OUT &H3C8, a 'send colors directly for speed OUT &H3C9, Red(a): OUT &H3C9, Green(a): OUT &H3C9, Blue(a) NEXT RETURN SUB BL.TweakMode ' Yes, I have taken on Rich Geldreich's sub/func naming conventions.. :-) ' (perhaps from messing around with his code so much! <g>) SCREEN 13 ' Set normal 320x200x256 OUT &H3D4, 9 ' Maximum scan line/text character height OUT &H3D5, &H40 >>> Continued to next message * SLMR 2.1a * Dammit, Jim! I'm a doctor, not a tagline! --- WM v2.04/91-0049
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