BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 11-18-92 (08:05) Number: 342 From: ALLAN ZACHARY Refer#: NONE To: CRUZ MONCIVAIS Recvd: NO Subj: Chain Command In Quickbas Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
CM> The only way I have found to share CM> var. is to create a file that the called program will read t CM> during the init. phase. It is crude method but it works wit CM> the run time lib and the called exe file will delet the file CM> one reading. And the calling exe creates file just prior t CM> chain statement. Hello Cruz! Here is a 16-byte buffer you can access for CHAINing standalone EXE's. I know, it's not much, but its good for passing a filename or a password etc. -Allan P.S. Let me know if it works with anything other than MS-DOS! '----------------- Program 1: Clip Here! --------------------- DEFINT A-Z DECLARE SUB PutChainBuf (Svar$) CLS PutChainBuf "I'm still here!" PRINT "IAC is stuffed! Now go run Windows or whatever..." PRINT "Then run program 2 to see if IAC is still intact." END ' Stores String in MS-DOS Intra-Application Communication area '(16 Bytes of free CHAIN space for stand-alone EXE's courtesy of DOS.) SUB PutChainBuf (Svar$) 'by Allan Zachary, Nov. 1992 L = LEN(Svar$) IF L > 16 THEN ' Max=16 Bytes Svar$ = LEFT$(Svar$, 16) L = 16 END IF DEF SEG = &H40 FOR i = 1 TO L Offset = &HF0 - 1 + i POKE Offset, ASC(MID$(Svar$, i, 1)) NEXT i DEF SEG END SUB '--------------------------------------------------------------- '----------------- Program 2: Clip Here! --------------------- DEFINT A-Z DECLARE FUNCTION GetChainBuf$ () CLS PRINT "IAC buffer = "; GetChainBuf$ END ' Retrieves the MS-DOS Intra-Application Communication area FUNCTION GetChainBuf$ 'by Allan Zachary, Nov. 1992 DEF SEG = &H40 FOR i = 1 TO 16 Offset = &HF0 - 1 + i Svar$ = Svar$ + CHR$(PEEK(Offset)) NEXT i DEF SEG GetChainBuf$ = Svar$ END FUNCTION '--------------------------------------------------------------- * SLMR 2.1a * --- WM v2.04/91-0010 * Origin: FliegWeg BBS - Home of VitaCal - (210) 496-6550 (1:387/403)
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