BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 11-02-92 (19:00) Number: 386 From: LUIS ESPINOZA Refer#: NONE To: BOB LAPIERRE Recvd: NO Subj: Command Line Switches Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
On (28 Oct 92) Bob Lapierre wrote to All... BL> I am trying to figure out, How can you make a Compiled QB4.5 program BL> recognize command line switches at the DOS prompt? If anyone could BL> help BL> me out, I would greatly appreciate it. BL> BL> Thanks, BL> BL> Bob LaPierre Here is some code that I use: SUB BreakCommand (cmd AS STRING, ar() AS STRING, Max) cnt = 0 DO a = INSTR(cmd, " ") IF a = 0 THEN EXIT DO cnt = cnt + 1 ar(cnt) = LEFT$(cmd, a - 1) cmd = MID$(cmd, a + 1) LOOP WHILE Max >= cnt IF cmd <> "" THEN cnt = cnt + 1: ar(cnt) = cmd FOR i = 1 TO cnt DO WHILE LEFT$(ar(i), 1) = " " ar(i) = MID$(ar(i), 2) LOOP DO WHILE RIGHT$(ar(i), 1) = " " ar(i) = LEFT$(ar(i), LEN(ar(i)) - 1) LOOP NEXT FOR i = 1 TO cnt IF ar(i) = "" THEN FOR j = i TO cnt - 1 ar(j) = ar(j + 1) NEXT cnt = cnt - 1 END IF NEXT Max = cnt END SUB And this is how to use it: DECLARE SUB BreakCommand (Cmd AS STRING, ar() AS STRING, Max%) DIM ArgV(10) AS STRING Cmd$ = COMMAND$ ArgC = 10 BreakCommand Cmd$, ArgV(), ArgC Ok, things to note: ArgC is the amount of commands you want to retrieve from the command line (seperated by a space) The ArgV array will have all of those commands. Cmd$ is just a temporary variable to hold the COMMAND LINE... Luis --- PPoint 1.33 * Origin: The Rubber Room (1:207/213.5)
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