BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 11-02-92 (18:12) Number: 384 From: LUIS ESPINOZA Refer#: NONE To: ROBERT CHURCH Recvd: NO Subj: Promgraming Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
On (31 Oct 92) Robert Church wrote to Luis Espinoza... RC> LE> If you need any help in linking your TC files with QB let RC> me LE> RC> LE> know..... RC> RC> I do, I do!!! What's the general procedure? Which linker do I use? RC> Well here are some simple routines you can play with, Left/Right Bit Shifting: int LShift(int byte, int bit) { return (byte>>bit); } int RShift(int byte, int bit) { return (byte<<bit); } OK, after you got your C program up, compile it into an OBJ (NO DEBUGGING INFO/Medium Memory Model). WELL call it SHIFT. TCC -mm -c SHIFT or BCC -mm -c -SHIFT After this is done, you make your LIB/QLB files so that you can use them.... LIB MYLIB -+SHIFT,MYLIB; LINK /Q SHIFT,MYLIB,MYLIB,qbxqlb.lib; Ok now you are ready to use your new C routines within the IDE, QBX /L MYLIB CTEST Remeber to decalare you C functions: DECLARE FUNCTION LSHIFT% CDECL(byte%, bit%) DECLARE FUNCTION RSHIFT% CDECL(byte%, bit%) Now have fun using your C rotuines..... Luis --- PPoint 1.33 * Origin: The Rubber Room (1:207/213.5)
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