BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 11-01-92 (06:36) Number: 366 From: DICK DENNISON Refer#: NONE To: BRYAN LEGGO @ 914/201 Recvd: NO Subj: Re: Communications Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
BL> As for using Com 3 or 4 with the OPEN statment, you can, if you poke t BL> Addresses for 3 or 4 into the port addresses for 1 and 2 before you 'Continuing the thread: 'Here's some com3/com4 startup code 'Dick Dennison 10/92 1:272/34 'Save vectors at bios Addresses for Com1-Com2 DEF SEG = 0 OldPort1H = PEEK(&H400) OldPort1L = PEEK(&H401) OldPort2H = PEEK(&H402) OldPort2L = PEEK(&H403) 'Initialize the com1/com2 address space POKE &H400, &HF8 POKE &H401, 3 POKE &H402, &HF8 POKE &H403, 2 'Obviously, change the baud rate to whatever 'you want up to 19200. SELECT CASE port% CASE 1 Start$ = "COM1:2400,N,8,1,DS0" CASE 2 Start$ = "COM2:2400,N,8,1,DS0" CASE 3 POKE &H400, &HE8 'For com1 to com3 Start$ = "COM1:2400,N,8,1,DS0" CASE 4 POKE &H402, &HE8 'For com2 to com4 Start$ = "COM2:2400,N,8,1,DS0" END SELECT DEF SEG OPEN Start$ FOR RANDOM AS 1 'Do your terminal program here CLOSE 1 'Restore the comm address vectors DEF SEG = 0 POKE &H400, OldPort1H POKE &H401, OldPort1L POKE &H402, OldPort2H POKE &H403, OldPort2L DEF SEG END --- VP [DOS] V4.09e * Origin: The MailMan (914)374-3903 NY Quick Share Pt #7 *HST (1:272/34)
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