BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 10-31-92 (12:55) Number: 342 From: DOUG RICKARD Refer#: NONE To: ALL Recvd: NO Subj: Set PC clock to AOTC Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
100 REM REM Program name :- REM SETIME.BAS REM REM Version:- REM 1.01 REM REM Author :- REM Doug Rickard 07-3458717 REM Software Technologies Pty Ltd REM PO Box 127 REM COOPERS PLAINS QLD 4108 REM AUSTRALIA REM REM Date:- REM 29-Oct-1992 REM REM Function :- REM This program will ring the AOTC ASCII time service and set REM the clock on the PC to the correct time and date. REM In line 1000 you must change COM2: to the com port to which REM your modem is connected. REM In line 1100 you must change the telephone number to REM correspond to the closest time service to you. Currently REM these time services are only available from Brisbane REM (07-2217033) and Melbourne (03-6001641). REM Keep in mind daylight saving! REM REM Environment :- REM MS-DOS V5.0 and MS-QBASIC REM REM Invocation :- REM C:> QBASIC/RUN [path]SETIME.BAS REM REM History :- REM V1.00 29-Oct-1992 Doug Rickard REM Original version. REM V1.01 30-Oct-1992 Doug Rickard REM Fix for daylight saving changes in AOTC format. 1000 REM Open the COM port for full duplex I/O. OPEN "COM2: 1200,N,8,1" FOR RANDOM AS #1 PRINT PRINT "SETIME V1.01 30-Oct-1992 Set PC clock to AOTC time. Doug Rickard." PRINT REM Now send the dialing string to the modem. 1100 PRINT #1, "ATDT2217033" 1200 REM Check responses from modem until we get a CONNECT message. INPUT #1, A$ REM PRINT A$ IF A$ = "CONNECT 1200" THEN GOTO 2000 IF A$ = "BUSY" THEN PRINT A$ SYSTEM END IF IF A$ = "NO CARRIER" THEN PRINT A$ SYSTEM END IF REM PRINT "Received "; A$; " from modem." GOTO 1200 2000 REM This is the main loop where we receive the time string from AOTC, REM validate it, and if ok then set the PC clock. PRINT " PC time before correction is "; DATE$; " "; TIME$ PRINT C% = 0 2010 INPUT #1, A$ IF A$ = "NO CARRIER" THEN GOTO 3000 REM Set a flag if it is a valid string we received. F% = 0% IF MID$(A$,20,1) = "*" THEN F% = 1 IF MID$(A$,20,1) = "#" THEN F% = 1 L% = LEN(A$) 2500 REM If string seems valid and is the right length then set clock. IF (F% = 1) AND (L% = 20) THEN REM Set the time. TIME$ = MID$(A$, 12, 8) REM Set the date. DATE$ = MID$(A$, 6, 2) + "-" + MID$(A$, 9, 2) + "-" + MID$(A$, 1, 4) REM Print out both times. PRINT "AOTC time is now "; A$ PRINT " PC time is now "; DATE$; " "; TIME$ PRINT END IF C% = C% + 1 REM Loop back until we have done it correctly 5 times. IF C% < 5 THEN GOTO 2010 3000 SYSTEM 9999 END --- Maximus 2.01wb * Origin: Brisbug PC User Group BBS (3:640/821)
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